Keto, Fitness and Everything In between

Swapping From Popular Slimming Clubs To Keto, Benefits Of Keto and How Keto Changes Your View On Nutrition

Gia and friends Episode 11

Hello and welcome to episode 11 of Keto, Fitness and Everything In-between!

This episode:

Part 1 with special guest Gail (@keto_warrior_gail)

We talk about Gail moving from another popular diet to keto, how that came about and some of the issues she found when consulting on that diet. They also talk about some of the keto benefits they've experienced & some of the crazy things that were "allowed" on her previous diet.

Why is our podcast different? 

There is nothing on the market like us! We all follow a ketogenic diet as well as know the ins and outs of the industry. Chat with us on social! Hope to see you there!

As followers of the keto diet, as well as women in business, we have a unique take on our lives so far.

Welcome to Keto, Fitness and Everything In Between, a weekly podcast hosted by a combo of, twenty-something-year-old best friends and digital creators, Gia, Lauren, Anna and Shannon. Each week they welcome listeners into their daily life for a special helping of the tea you’re not getting from their wildly popular Instagrams. From fun lighthearted conversations about diet and fitness to sharing their tips to help to feel more confident in business– each week you’ll be left wanting more of them! New episodes every Monday!

We have some special guests joining us in the next few weeks and some amazing business-related episodes with Gia and Anna being released every fortnight!

Our links:

Gia - Keto blogger , @makeshiftmermaid on insta

Anna - Owner of
slothmove, @thehealthyeng on insta

Shannon - Keto influencer
@_shannonslife, down 120lbs on keto

Lauren - Keto bread queen

Our website:

Disclaimer: The opinions in this podcast are from true experiences and so do not constitute defamation or slander. People should be able to make informed decisions around what they put money into. Do what you do at your own risk. Talk to a medical professional about any supplements or medication and do your own research. 

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hello and welcome to the keto fitness and everything in between podcasts today we've got gia shannon and myself and our fabulous guest the warrior girl and gail is a keto mum to to many others so it's going to be a good one today getting to know gayle a little bit more oh bless hi guys

thank you i'm in my pajamas so um before you guys joined like me and gail were talking about the like consultants and how you know gail used to be like one of them one of them sorry

but but we were really interested yeah we're just kind of interested like more around your swap from that to keto like how that came about yeah i have um i started that club um where just before i turned 30 and um it was just because i'd been on a holiday and nothing fitted me when i got there i threw everything in and i said that said i'm going to join it you know like somewhere to help me lose weight and i did lose weight and i was approached then when i moved to our island and was asked to be a consultant in ireland and i was this i think of the second or the third consultant to open in northern ireland and the had to go and do my training in england and it was only when as i was saying when i when i started keto that i realized that there was no training regarding food or anything like that it was up mainly training on how to maintain your members how to get people through the door and how to make money there's nothing you know there was nothing on um you know like the food aspect what was good as you touched before in previous podcasts regarding the amount of food that you can eat and again it is it's kind of the wrong food you know to pile your plate with pasta and things like that is it's not right so for me when i started keto which just feels like yesterday because i feel like i'm still learning every day but i love absolutely everything and i didn't know where to go i didn't know where to start the first time i heard somebody say the word keto i was like that just sounds painful i'm not going down that line and then i just googled one evening you know like oh sorry on instagram i just put in keto and all these people kept coming up and coming up and that and i just reached out to um lauren at carb cutters and i just said it was literally you know hi can you point me in the right direction and she come back with hey i'm a keto coach and i'm like well here i am you know um and that's literally where i started now i would probably say i don't know how many um clients lauren has had but i would probably say i was the thickest one of it i didn't understand because i had 20 years of a slimming club droned into my head of you can eat i mean one of the sayings i used to say was if you want to puff in a bucket full of beans you can do and eat your way out of it you will still lose weight you know and first that to be ingrained in my head and then all of a sudden i'm told that i can eat butter and cream and you know like cut away from yes you can have your potatoes we all know that you know there are foods that you can't eat everything you can have um it was kind of like the reverse of everything that was stuck in my head for so long and my hardest thing i don't know whether you know you've probably heard me talking about bananas bananas is just my world i love bananas so to go from um eating as many bananas as i wanted to and still you know kind of lose weight to looking at this banana and you're like looking at the macros of it and going yeah little kind of thing sorry that

fruit is so good though i think on keto that is one of the things i miss the most it's just like a big fruit salad because like everyone like fruits how like healthy isn't it like everyone thinks fruit's healthy but when you have like so much of it and there's so much sugar in it it's just such a shame but like sometimes i will cheekily like treat myself you know those mini bananas that you can get in aussie like the tiny mini ones i'll treat myself like one mini banana i mean i actually ran downstairs one day i was doing something i went in the kitchen i picked a banana up i ate it i got halfway back up the stairs and i was like did i and i was smelling my hand i was like have i just eaten a banana and it's just like how quick you go back into things i ran back downstairs and uh looking at it and i was like oh there's a bloody banana oh my god and i was straight on the under instagram i was messaging lauren i was like you are not going to believe what i have just eaten and we just laughed about it so yeah oh yeah i bet lauren would have told you gail it's fine it's only a banana first off it was like why did you eat the banana and i was like hold on

i'm a banana addict but

i've got the banana um syrups now so whenever i wanted i put it in a bit of greek yogurt or you know ah are they any good um yeah yeah i got the one from trkg i think it is and that i think it's them i get me i'll get me let this muggle dope i'm too old

but the banana one is brilliant and the pair drop one is in me as an engine oh nice one anything for a keto cocktail yeah yeah so gail when did you actually um like go keta like when did you reach out to lauren because i don't actually know like how long you've been doing it for so i reached out to her and it would have been that roughly about the end of january yeah it was the end of january and like everything with me i have to give myself a date to start something yeah but um so i started on the the 1st of february the day after my birthday i was like i'll have my birthday and that is it started on the 1st of february and i didn't even know how to use instagram properly and i hadn't a clue how to use instagram and when somebody was saying like my friends were saying oh you follow them i'm like how do i follow them or you know i really didn't know what i was doing and then i was i just started randomly following you know like other people and then i think somebody said to me oh well just send him a message didn't even know how to send a message nothing so like i was never instagram up until instagram and keto is my learning curve of 2020. hello hi lauren hi

no i was just waiting for a live girl to finish her sentence so that was that's my first of february this year is when i started keto i just can't believe you've not really been doing it for like that long either so that's like what six seven months now so that's not a long amount of time you've done so well in such a short amount of time thank you it's i think um if i i would probably say lockdown helped because it made me you know i gave me the time as well to learn it a bit more yeah and like you know when i went back to work after lockdown it was all oh my god look at this lockdown loser that's what everybody was calling me

and then they were saying what happened to the other half of gail and i was like oh the good half's still at home it's the [ __ ] that's come back to work

but a lot like in in between um lockdown and going back to work i think i lost just over two stone yeah and i started you know like couch to 5k i started that and even oh my god the first day i thought i was going to be literally led at the side of the road shaking you know i was like they're going to pick me up like a homeless person and drag me somewhere because you know what they're probably thinking god she's high on something you know like it's sweltering weather and this [ __ ] running away or trying to run um but yeah so i started that and now i'm running every three times a week and i absolutely love it there's something like just keto do something to your brain as well i feel like it i i genuinely think that it kind of helps your like mental clarity but personally where i feel like i'm not so addicted to sugar anymore and i'm not like bogged down with the sugar anymore i think where you're in ketosis and you've got more energy it kind of like you you're not in a brain fog anymore and when you've got that more mental clarity everything's like happier and easier totally and for for my job um which generally when i'm at work i'd be doing you know anything from like 20 25 000 steps a day and i used to come home on a night time and prior keto i'd come home on the night time and i would just be absolutely i'd be shocked you know like i'd be like i just could not be bothered to cook tea you know from me and hobby or it would just be like something very quick very easy um i'd be in bed half past eight quarter to nine and then i do get up at five o'clock but you know like i would just be that tired um yeah and then what i noticed when i went back and was probably ten times busier i was still awake at half past nine quarter to ten and i'm like i felt like a dirty stop up i'm like i should be asleep now but um i had i have so much more energy which is it's crazy to think and like i've said prior i was eating you know pasta potatoes the whole lot um


the energy levels that you have is unbelievable see i resonate with you there because like i was always told like especially i used to play um family [ __ ] rugby and the coochies there were always like you've got a car book you've got a car book and i was like i always just performed better on keto and they were really adamant that i am i carved up so i carved up and i'm cram i just i feel so it's really really bizarre because most like athletes are so much better on carbs and like the science says so as well but i come straight back on to keto and like a few games after they were like oh my god you're like a different player i'm like i told you like keto for me just i just literally like duracell bunny like i just cannot stop and won't yeah well my husband has just been diagnosed and diabetic and i think about two or three weeks ago oh there was a massive almighty row in our house there's nothing in this house to eat only keto [ __ ] and all this cause i stopped i'd stop the bread the bananas you know i i'm not i won't say i would understand diabetes a lot either but i'm learning that as well for him so i says right get the ipad out we're going to write a shopping list and whatever's on it that you like we'll go and buy so he was shouting nuts i says tick we've got you know um green veg tick we've got meat which i think he was like okay so we've got all the food we need

it's just kind of now trying to you know educate him that keto is good for himself as well so do you think that he'll go let him go kitty do you know what shannon he probably would because i mean he does we didn't we don't own a chip pan we didn't own a chip on um even though you could have your whatever free chips you could have prior but the only problem is with graham is he does 12 hour shifts he works in like seriously so he works in a glass factory and he works in the hot end so he goes through maybe three or four t-shirts a shift he's on his feet for the full 12 hours so it's trying to find something that will keep him full you know what i mean for you know for that period of time and it's strenuous hard work so we're just slowly you know trying to bring it in and i mean most most of the times we generally eat the same food he would just have like a bigger portion um you know but yeah he's you know it's hard it's hard for a big bloke you know to to cut back as well and as cadbury's chocolate if it comes in a purple wrapper that is you know that is his life um so him having to cut back on that and me buying you know like the godiva chocolate he thinks i'm poisoning him oh no you're not like a diver no it's got to be milk like purple purple wrapper that's all you accept i was gonna say he might like there's one in tesco and it's called um chocologic and it's got like 90 less sugar in it and it's the only one i found that sort of tastes like milk chocolate like it's the milkiest one i found it doesn't taste like dark chocolate at all and so maybe try them on that one that one might be quite good i picked that up in morrison's yesterday and i was like look what i've got yeah so he's had some tonight and he was like okay she's like shout out oh no we've gone from canada this is no word of a lie girls a 500 grand bar he would eat near enough every night he would have so he's gone from that like you know the little um i think the 25 pence a bar like they're 99 calories to one of them a night he's so hard done by the girls i'm telling you you know what it is as well because i i work in like manufacturing and i think environment has such a massive role to play because everybody is of the same mindset and of the same habits but when i got to the old place the last place that i work like i walked in and i was genuinely shocked because so many of those people on the shop floor were on keto and i was just like what like they were trying to school me and it was just so like refreshing to walk into a place that was like you know it's very just very smoky and they're all their keto diets and um you know trying all these great ketogenic oh that's cool for a load of guys to be on a keto diet as well because i never actually bump into anybody that's keto apart from like me and you guys online i never actually bump into another person and they're on keto let alone guys you don't see many guys doing it do you but although in america it's so successful for them i i didn't like nobody when i went back to work they were all like how did you do it how did you do it and when i was saying no it's just keto you just said that to me and john

the amount of people like my niece joined um at life's a diet she joined um and she's done really well i bless her she's moved house and and all the rest of it's going on she's got visitors but she's back on it again now and like i was saying to uh gear before my sister we were getting my um my sister on to it as well so look out for her coming through the whole family oh my god i'm i'm so boring there's a whole load of warriors out there but hang on like they've got to understand that you're our mum first of all

what do you think like what was the biggest kind of shock so going back to the whole slimming consortium thing looking back now what what would you say the biggest shock for you was doing keto yeah either oh yeah like doing keto and then also like knowing what you know now what was like the most shocking part of being assuming i was i was going to say then on the consultant side of it is um i would you know like be prior to prior to be being a consultant um the amount of money i spent as a member and then even after i stopped being a consultant i carried on going to a class so the amount of money amount of pounds i've lost as in like failing um the amount of pounds i've lost literally you know and wasted is unbelievable um you know that the fact that like i don't have to go somewhere on the evening time i was weighing at my leisure you know like i set my my day my time and what have you to do

yeah so for for me for that um you know and yet to realize that i was learning so much more about foods than i was when i was teaching people to lose weight which is really really sad um it's sad and annoying you know to to think that people trusted me as well to tell them that you can't mash a banana it it's as simple as that isn't it you know to turn it from a free food into a sinned food and you know is yeah it is absolutely it's mind-boggling like you say you mash it up in your mouth anyhow i think it's just really sad when a diet isn't beneficial for the company and the person like we've talked about this how like people have lost weight from it but there is a critical like lack of nutritional information that people are given when they're put into the role as like a leader and we've talked before as well about the certificates that you get as well and how that is that would be so detrimental for me if i was having to compare myself to someone else yeah um because it's done based on weight rather than percentage yeah i mean the only thing that i mean i i have tried absolutely everything girls absolutely you know um from shakes weight watchers slimming world and i think i think for yourself for a person um you have to want to lose weight as well you have to be in the right mindset to want to lose weight um you know you as a consultant i seen it you know as well as in like well i'll try you know it's i will and that's where i was definitely at you know like for february and that's why i always gave myself um a date to start something and you you you knew you know people straight away whether they were going to um succeed or not the only thing i would say like it's really really hard is whenever you broke it it was so damn hard to get back on now i've had um since february i think i've had maybe four or five occasions where i've broke and if you and if you've seen i'm so sorry on sunday night me

oh my god i mean yeah it was just it was horrendous and it just wasn't alive on monday morning at all but on monday morning i got straight back on it so so easily um where had that been at slimming world it would have been so hard to get back on it you know and trying to focus on it and that and it only took 24 hours for me to feel good again with slimming world i was still feeling sluggish because i was eating you know the wrong foods like you know i'd go for the cabbie things because sometimes when you've got your hangover that's what you go for isn't it um but not allowing yourself to have them you you do get better quicker right i think that's also um mindset as well like you can get back on it the next day like you can have your cheats and like have enjoy your time but i think what keto does give people is like a really good understanding of their own health um and like a better mindset so you're able to just like pick yourself back up and just do it again the next day and don't beat yourself up about it because we're all human we deserve to like have our cheats and like i don't even like to call it a cheat i like just enjoy yourself yeah exactly a relaxed day more than than anything isn't it yeah the only thing i would say that i i don't enjoy about having that relaxed day is when you've had um when you have had like you know your heavy bread your carbi things not you know when you have your not your low carb you know just your normal white bread it's um i suffered terrible tummy cramps you know and i know that other people do and some don't but i you know like me personally i do and i don't enjoy that part of it but you know it passes doesn't it it just it goes um but to feel better um in the food that you're eating and you know another thing from from learning um in keto is fats are good for you you know like to be told like gosh away from full fat mayonnaise and stay away from your double cream and stay away from butter and all them things cheese oh my god i can eat a block of cheese girls making a sandwich you know it's just yeah it is literally my my father used to go mad at me because i'd go in the fridge as a child and just open the cheese and just bite into it and then leave it so like i just love cheese more cheese the better but you know to to be given like 25 grams of cheese what the [ __ ] is that what is it you know it wouldn't be yeah it's like it's like a heaped teaspoon of cheese basically out of it

so slow sprinkle a little sprinkle yes unless it's cottage cheese and then you can eat the top of it oh no i don't get startling cost cheese like that is not the wine game

i've tried my hardest to try it and i'm so open with like all food like i will eat anything almost bring myself to eat cottage cheese i've bought it and i've opened it and i've looked at it yes yogurt that's all i see is curdled yeah actually i don't mind it i really don't mind it but it ain't noborata oh don't get started still need to try it i still have never tried it like because i was going for a bit of a dairy free stage but now i'm like back on my dairy i definitely need to hit up some barata but i'm just hoping there's not a shortage

honestly m s i'll buy it out i'll buy it out i went that one time and i was like yeah it took like five last time yeah that's because that's how many was on the channel i've taken it don't have good dates on it it's looking like coming up to uh expiry days like oh yeah we don't have the costco one they're just horrible not nice i'm so disappointed in costco it's normally the best no it's nowhere near an m s one i mean i don't like any of you saying that because we all know my feelings on mns but some things will get right yeah some things will be yeah unfortunately

oh there she is nice of you to join us

what you got i'll add some moroccan chicken with some green beans and pak choy nice and sweet very nice where's your dairy

huh any yogurt tonight i was going to it's in my my fitness prologue but it's like nine o'clock so maybe tomorrow and also the backlash from uh last night that was serious this morning jesus christ you get it all don't you mate joshua who i know

unless other people get them and they don't put it out there because i've known natasha was saying to me how someone came and heard the ends like absolutely abusing her and she just ignored it was like screenshot it and put on your story exposure yeah she was eating she was eating local bagels though so i'm sorry oh dear she got some abuse i'm not surprised you don't be posting the you know the banks of san diego

that's what you know because i i'd contacted them i think it was just the beginning of lockdown and i was like can you you know just generally asking i had i didn't know anything of the you know the problems they were having and um i'd ask them about um how do they ship you know like how do they you know delivery and things like that and everything was like oh it's all above board and it'll come within a week and i was like all right and i was about to um i was about to pre do an order and lauren it was actually yourself that i'd contacted and i'd said oh my god your bread buns your bum cakes whatever you want to call them look amazing i was going to buy some from here and lauren was straight there don't you agree getting it from me

i don't know why i get so many people missed me about i had i think i had about five people in a week one person every day asked me if they should order and then two people had actually ordered and managed to get a refund but they're not

listened to the message yet to say and i was just like oh my god what's that

that is actually i think that thinking about it that's actually how we became friends because i was speaking to lauren about my um my my troubles with the company and then she was like oh message um they're healthier and she'll be able to let me feel better and that's how we became friends yeah it really is and then i was just like want to be here for the tea someone had me

that was so long ago as well yeah it feels like it was only the start of the year but and here we are i actually feel like i know all of you like as if i speak to you everything i've done for years it's the beauty of it isn't it like this is what the grammar has done and i think it's i might say this community is just so special for that because i think everything's just so open and honest and like transparent and it's not just like you know pretty pictures on the grid it's like just that again is something that is you know like it's so much better than going to a pain to a class every week as well isn't it it's so much better because you're i can remember you know sitting and having the worst week ever well the best week ever but had my worst weight loss i think i'd actually gained and there was a woman sat behind me and she was like oh i've had a kfc and i've done this and i've done that and i nearly turned into the exorcist swung around that much i thought i was going to wipe her out and i'm like how i literally telling me you've had kfc and you've eaten cream cakes and god knows what when i have been so and i haven't even had all my sins and this that and the other and you're telling me i was like i thought i'd be thrown out so i was like you know what he was like don't even speak to him

i don't understand though how you can like you can have your kfc's and and i just don't get it like you can't really you should this is one thing that i asked lauren carb cutters i said what is an off plan day on slimming world because they just seem to eat everything so when they go off plan i'd go off the rails but i wouldn't just be off plan it would be yeah it would it would be like 40 quids worth of mcdonald's but they have the chocolate they have their sweets but they have mcdonald's as well like i don't get it some of the people i follow that they have chocolate every night that's like it's like normal eating for some people i mean it used to be a big joke that i would always have a crunchy every single night every night fail absolutely love crunchies but then when you know like because i've been like literally totally old school as in days green days and where now it's like all it you know it's a mixed plan and so like a cheat day for me would have been you know like your fish and having your meat and your potatoes together you know or so cheat day for me is just used to be like fish and chips but i would have like two or three crunches then i'd have my bread with loads of water because you wouldn't have you wouldn't have you know like butter at all because he wasn't allowed it it was far too many you know sins and things but you can have three crunchies you couldn't have three countries that was just when i was being naughty even having like the one crunchy is like almost the same amount of fat as like two tablespoons of butter so i don't really understand that because like the honeycombs are literally made out of like butter and sugar sugar exactly it's like your daily it's like your daily dose it's like in the country there's at least 25 grams in it do you know what this is what i was saying i know now what is in things that i used to would have been a treat for me not a cheek but a treat you know like because it was in my allowance and think oh my god that you know what i've eaten in that chocolate bar i could have had a nicer meal with the calories the fats the protein the geology and all that i learned more since the first of february about foods than i did the 20 years that i was doing in the world and in that like i say i was a consultant for years as well so it's just you know like it is crazy it's so scary because i mean like it almost sounds unbelievable like if you're in a food industry for 20 years but don't really know anything about food then what what's going on it's like sorry

well i don't get it i mean i i just don't get it i won't ever forget it
