Keto, Fitness and Everything In between

Keto Community, No Hunger On Keto and Confidence After Weight Loss with Gail (@keto_warrior_gail)

Gia and friends Episode 12

Hello and welcome to episode 12 of Keto, Fitness and Everything In-between!

This episode:

Part 2 with special guest Gail (@keto_warrior_gail)

We talk about the amazing keto community we've experienced, the lack of hunger on keto and the major confidence boost weight loss has given Gail

Why is our podcast different? 

There is nothing on the market like us! We all follow a ketogenic diet as well as know the ins and outs of the industry. Chat with us on social! Hope to see you there!

As followers of the keto diet, as well as women in business, we have a unique take on our lives so far.

Welcome to Keto, Fitness and Everything In Between, a weekly podcast hosted by a combo of, twenty-something-year-old best friends and digital creators, Gia, Lauren, Anna and Shannon. Each week they welcome listeners into their daily life for a special helping of the tea you’re not getting from their wildly popular Instagrams. From fun lighthearted conversations about diet and fitness to sharing their tips to help to feel more confident in business– each week you’ll be left wanting more of them! New episodes every Monday!

We have some special guests joining us in the next few weeks and some amazing business-related episodes with Gia and Anna being released every fortnight!

Lauren's Website:

Our links:

Gia - Keto blogger , @makeshiftmermaid on insta

Anna - Owner of
slothmove, @thehealthyeng on insta

Shannon - Keto influencer
@_shannonslife, down 120lbs on keto

Lauren - Keto bread queen

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Disclaimer: The opinions in this podcast are from true experiences and so do not constitute defamation or slander. People should be able to make informed decisions around what they put money into. Do what you do at your own risk. Talk to a medical professional about any supplements or medication and do your own research. 

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get it i mean i mean it's just the fundamentals isn't it like it doesn't even matter what you eat it's just calories in calories out and it's like something that simple isn't taught but then i guess that's how coming back to your training girl that's how like you keep the members because you're kind of you're kind of controlling them you are they're dependent on you aren't they you know like there was nothing there was you know like the only way that they would say about food is you know that always try and encourage them to have um a third of your plate with um vegetables you know things like that and but that was that's all you all you got you know the rest of it was like how to maintain your you know your um your members you know how to keep them coming through the doors you know and it's supposedly you're supposedly to be um self-employed but yet you know they make you buy so many leaflets every quarter and then every quarter you should go out on a sunday not on a friday or a saturday or a monday you'd go out on a sunday and deliver all these leaflets um which that's so big you're kidding like that that that seems like almost like multi-level marketing kind of like vibes which is not good if you're having to put in extra work for not the payout that you kind of deserve for the way that i looked at it was that if i wanted to lose weight i would find which i did that you know there was no leaflet landed on my doorstep or anything like that if i when i wanted to lose weight i looked and seen what classes were available near me you know that was local to me and spoke to a few people that wouldn't and it worked for them so like it wasn't any marketing or anything like that that made me go to that class and it was you know seeing other people's success and that you know that made me go and i said i did you know i did personally lose weight but so when i was younger like i would be having like the orange juice and special k like for breakfast that was my thing and i would be having like small lunches that i was taking to school and i i was a really like active kid as well i was going to all the after school clubs um and not having like that much dinner but those i know that we've talked a lot about like calories and calories out but i think there is something also to be said about how even overeating on keto you're probably not going to gain as much weight as if you'd overeat non-carbs just like maybe the hormonal differences because like i found that i've just never lost weight like i was just always the same size regardless of how like little i was eating compared to like other teenagers yeah so when you're going from like that high carb to kind of what we're eating now should like that there is there's still the same knowledge of being in a calorie deficit but it's quality of calories and it's quality of nutrition i'd say you know like the the thing of like eating jacket potato and beans is a very very filling meal you know if you have a huge jacket potato and a tin of beans you're going to be very very full from it but then if you think you know give that what an hour and two hours you're bloody hungry again you know and we're now like i used to my this was my food and my cycle going you know like i'd get up and i'd be having a way on the toilet good job it was on the loom wasn't it and but i'd be like sat there and i'd be like what am i having for me breakfast i'll be eating my breakfast what am i having for my you know for my lunch i'll be having my lunch what am i having for my dinner having my dinner what am i having for my you know for my dessert and i'll be going to bed literally thinking on them for me breakfast tomorrow and now it was literally constantly like that all the time and i was constantly you know they say that you shouldn't be hungry when you were following their plan you're not hungry because you're constantly grazing you're constantly snacking on fruit or a banana bananas um you know you you could constantly eat constantly constantly eat so you shouldn't be full but now i get up and where i would have been having my breakfast at five six o'clock i'm not even like i'm not even remotely hungry now you know i'm having a cup of coffee um you know with with my milk and i'm maybe starting to feel a bit peckish about 11 o'clock 11 30 and then i'll you know i'll have my my lunch then um which is totally like it was totally unknown for me to do that i was just constantly thinking of food 24 7. now i don't think of it you know like i'll get up and i'll be like what we have for you know dinner tonight and just get it out the freezer and you know just plan like that um but i am not hungry at all even at the beginning yeah that's the amazing thing i think that's why it work that's why it's like worked so well for all of us is because you're not constantly thinking about food and it doesn't food doesn't like control your day anymore like because i used to plan my day around when i was eaten especially when i was like at university and i was like doing retail jobs like in and around uni when i'd get up i'd like i'd eat my breakfast and then in the car on the way to the retail job i'd like have a blueberry muffin and then i'd have a red ball like in the stock room because like i was so tired and i was just constantly feeding my body with sugar but now the sugar's not there anymore i'm just not even i wake up in the morning and i'm not i'm not hungry like i could go all day probably without eating i don't because i like to keep myself constantly ticking but it's amazing how you just don't get hungry yeah totally it's it is it's um to me it's the best thing it really is the best thing and like we said before that the community that's there as well um i know i was talking to um lauren you know messaging lauren one evening and i was like oh i've got like i don't know oh gosh i can't remember about followers that says i think i've got about 300. you had it you said you had about 700 and i looked and i was like girl you've got nearly a thousand and he was like wait how do i look and then he was looking and i was like we literally had to do that how many and night vlogs before i just look before and i'm like 1300 people what the hell are these people looking at me for why you know it's just like why are you looking at me oh yeah it's just weird i can't get my head around it sometimes the thing is just such a different community from like any other like weight loss that i've sort of tried because everyone that i've found apart from like select few that are very keto police they're really supportive it doesn't matter what you do like the amount of people that aren't like vegan or plant-based at all that still follow me just because you know i'm still on keto like it's just so amazing and i think you know what i think um is is so good the things that we share that you know like um just if we think of liz today you know that amazing picture

you know the the the videos that you've wrote and not wrote you filmed and you brought your little you know bits and i just think that um in itself is absolutely because that in itself will help absolutely everybody and i was always very conscious even at my lowest when i was you know when i'd hit my my target at um the classes and that i was always very conscious of my body and my belly you know everything and and i think i've spoken to a couple of you that i i was and booked him for a tummy tuck last year um and i didn't go ahead with it because i knew that like i wasn't where i wanted to be um body wise so i just had mocha mindy come on board instead but um yeah but now i just you know like i look at my belly now and i just think you know what girl then that carried you know twin boys that is you know it's it's good and it's not that bad now you know like i don't look at it and go oh god that repulses me um and i just think you know the courage what shannon what you've done and definitely you know like liz as well um it's just unbelievable it's so powerful and that we can do that amongst people that we don't know we don't we haven't met where i know some of you but to do that is just and to be encouraged i feel like i've tried to and spread the message like more more so now like going into lockdown like well we've all had a lot more thinking space and and now i've like i have lost a lot of weight i found much more of an appreciation for my body that i wish i would have had before and i'm trying to like on my own platform where it's growing i want to be able to like spread the message that our bodies are like it's literally just a body like it is just your skin and it's like your home like that's where you live every single day i'm just trying to spread the message like loud and clear that like we should all just love our own skin that we're in if we can so i'm trying to kind of make my page so you know how we will post a load of before and afters i've spoken about this on a previous podcast i think as well where like i did get a lot of people say like it's quite toxic toxic of you to be posting so many before and afters so i am quite mindful that i want to say that just because i'm smaller doesn't mean i look any better if that makes sense and i think whoever said it was toxic to do that like it's completely wrong because number one it is to be able to put you on and it's such an achievement and it's so motivating and inspirational for so many people and i think that talks more towards probably how they feel about themselves and their insecurities and they come back to you gail like saying how you weren't comfortable in your own body like just think about how sad a place that is because i mean our bodies like shannon's saying that they're just our bodies and they do so many wonderful things for us and it's all of these you know unrealistic beauty standards that have been put out there mainly on social media because it's only been the last decade or so that it's been really bad right so it's really incredible for you know you shannon and liz and other people out there to be posting all of these just like your images it's like things have been torture shocked like there's still such a long way to go but with so many more voices out there like i think it's a really special time just um to be confident even it's like today we you know we went to new brighton today and we had a lovely walk along and that and i would have always just gone let me take a picture of you and the dog let me take a picture and now i'm like here's the camera come on you know like and i'm posing some kind of bloody kid you look a little thing by the way that photo today like you just look like a hitting your head you look wonderful like blowing my head i just you know i laugh every time i see myself in in lauren's shorts i keep saying it's from carbs to keto italia

i just think like i am 51 years old and i am wearing a pair of cycling shorts catch yourself on girl and then i'm like do you know what i'm going to be wondering i'm going to rock them i think that's a i think that's a merch opportunity soon it's just like definitely but i just you know like from where and it's like i said i think in one of my pictures i don't have many before photographs because i was always the one behind the camera taking the pictures so when it's like a face-to-face friday or a throwback thursday or whatever i'm like scrolling literally through facebook pictures and everything and i'm like was i ever at these places at all you know it's so hard for me to even find a before picture because i'm always you know literally because i wasn't confident you know i wasn't confident enough to you know like stand there or if i did if it was like a group picture i'd be at the back and i'd be like i'm the tallest so i'm going at the back you know so i would use my as an advantage not to be at the front of the you know the pictures but how amazing is that now that you're like you're confident enough to go in front of the camera and like it that's just so amazing that you come on such a leap and bound in such a short amount of time yeah it's it is it's um and i think you know when you put a picture up and i always remember the first time i put a picture up and it was probably one of my red dress ones and i'm like oh jesus christ this is just going to be i'm going to have instagram police on saying take that down that is terrible and then when you know like i put this side by side one on and it was like oh my god you know the amount of people saying you've done so well that's amazing and likes and things like that and i was like that's me that's little me you know and it was it was just kind of like oh gosh i i can do this and i never felt that i never got that feeling started sitting in front of you know like 50 or 60 women and men you know when i paid for you know a class and so-called education of food and things like that i can get that from the comfort of my own home um at a picture that you know like i chose um and i wanted to be out there so it is it's just i think um for me body confidence is a massive thing and to you know i quite happy to have before taken now you know a bit of a poser now i think this is really photobombing everybody if anybody's taking a picture and i'm going past i'd be like oh i'm so glad the meet-up got cancelled because it would have been so nice i know you couldn't have made it anyway gail but it would have been so nice to have met everybody i know it's a shame it's actually um so tomorrow would have been um the one for manchester united and obviously that's being cancelled but um kelly you know kel's to quito i think it is or kel's on cute i can't remember yeah i love her our number one gala she doesn't live that far away from me and i actually used to work with a partner where i didn't know this amazing yeah so there's myself and kelly and mel i think kayla's coming and we're going well they're dragging me up a mountain tomorrow i think so we're going up a bit of a hike tomorrow so i'm looking forward to that but again that's something that i wouldn't have never done me saying to my hobby on i'm going to climb in a mountain tomorrow news like yeah right and i'm like no i am so it's just like he can't believe it either you know but i'm looking forward to it and again meeting people that live on your screen you know it's good it's good and we will definitely all meet up definitely i was listening to ashley and about his peas and his christmas tree though and his chicken gate

god the winner but he's never going to see the end of the day about his piece but no like he was he at nando's or something and then we were just all saying oh not swimming today anything about oh the chicken kills me to me i have that story more funny i know i know but it's great it's funny how like you you think you know again like i was talking to to mel about i was like about anybody that you know i could say oh gosh did you see such lauren's story today or did you see shannon's story and like people's like do you know these people i'm like yeah of course we know them you know it's friends

yeah like me and gia talk every day as well like theo called me this morning like half past eight in the morning yeah because i knew that you were up for like you know what is that like one in 10 days that you will probably be up and like yeah ready for a call before oh no it's it's uh it is it's such a good uh a good community

it is it is i mean a lot of our stories have been like absolutely spammed with um podcast promotion but you know why not it's like half of the what is the story you never know by the time we get off this podcast when we finish filming you never know we could be a thousand that's it we could be could very well be um yeah but isn't it funny how like just one me me reaching out to one person how you then get a big family and you you um you know you you you want to check in on them every day i know like lauren when you was in hospital i was like oh i hope first thing i was you know like getting up on the morning i'm like i hope lauren's or and sorry shannon's okay you know i was like [ __ ] i miss lauren's hospital attendant we're sitting it now and i want to have food poisoning you're checking in on me every single day even stop every morning

it's so long i think i i think we've spoken about it before but it's like it feels like you're closer to friends online than you are with like people that you've known almost your entire life and i think it's because you actually connect over you know things that you actually have in common but this is what i was trying to say people that was about you know the two people that were messaging me about like that i need to get validation from my followers and everything and i said no these followers are my friends like where else am i gonna go and have my friends all in one place i mean i'd rather go to my phone and have a group chat with my friends or jump in someone's dms then go see someone around the corner because i just feel better talking to people online and that's where all my friends are especially we all live so far apart as well it's not as if i can just get on a train and come and see one of you guys i've actually probably met the nicest people online met the majority of them like met gia but even the ones that haven't met they are probably better than the people that i've known since i was like seven so there's no there's not a time stamp really on yeah how well you get along with someone an eating plan it's a lifestyle that's brought us all together isn't it yeah you know and i think you know that the fact that like if i'm if i'm unsure of something that you can just put that question out there whether it's you know dm in somebody or just putting it out in a story a question or something like that and the fact that you will get the person who you you know you're speaking to will come back to you near enough as soon as possible or you'll get other people giving you you know their their ideas as well which is it's just unbelievable it really really is um i think we should all have t-shirts on and shorts uh cycling thoughts or

oh my god

we'll we'll get in touch with pretty little thing and we'll see what they can do for us

their best customers

no i think it's just amazing the amount of like free resources as well that i know that because i feel like you shouldn't have to be paying out unless you want to so obviously you've got to have paid out for the coaching but that's obviously what you've thrived under wherever but but you could also like go and ask anyone outside for free i didn't understand it and like when you know when um lauren was saying to me about like net carbs i'm like what what the hell is she on about you know and then i can remember you know so you have i don't want to go into too much details in lauren's you know thing because that's her thing but you you have like you're free you're clean eating you know for a while and then i can remember saying oh you've got something like 1700 calories or like 1700 calories oh she kidding i'll i'll be at the side of the road you know i'll be i'll be shaking if i'm only getting that and then i can remember like one day i'd only had something like 700 calories and i'm like i am stuffed i couldn't eat another thing um and then learning you know like your good foods what will fulfill you and things like that and so for me that eight weeks what i'd you know like what i had committed to that was me giving commitment to myself yes i'd paid for it but i was committing myself to it because i know i know probably you know had i done it myself i don't think i would have maybe stuck at it because i didn't understand it i didn't have a list of foods and some people are you know like some people are really easy to pick things up me i'm like i don't get it i don't get it i don't get it i've got it you know and then when the penny drops i'm there i'm like yeah i can i can do this now um background of not having that actual knowledge though so you've not really like keto obviously it's keto coaching but what you've actually like the value that you've taken away is like actually understanding food and nutrition exactly and it was just like we said earlier it is the polar opposite of what i was previously you know to think that you could eat and eat and eat and now it's like you know when i've said to even to my sister you're counting calories you are weighing foods and things like that and but you do get used to it and it becomes a habit isn't it it's just it's just the norm now to to do it um and then you can you know you look at it and you think well if i add some fats to that i'm going to be fuller you know i'm going to be i'm going to feel so much better um you know and i'm not going to be wanting to pick or anything like that and one thing i would say on an evening time ladies i always love my jelly and cream i love it and i just think sometimes what can i have that's something different but it's nice through what what are your little evening treats i have natural do you add anything to it i actually add the whey box sachets of protein powder so i put a coconut one into like a 500 gram pot and it turns inside coconut mousse it's really nice obviously i'd say a serving say 100 grams of the yogurt is probably around about four or five carbs but i don't i don't know how many you have i mean i probably have about 50 a day so it's not too bad but um yeah i kind of just have it with the coconut protein powder and then sometimes make like a blueberry or raspberry compote just like wilt down some berries and then just like when you have the yogurt so you have the little bit of fruit at the bottom and yogurt on top just make that and just have it with just berries i love it it's so filling as well especially the natural and because it's got the protein in it as well it's just extra filling as well but yeah if you add some protein powder it just turns into like a nice nose it almost reminds me of all the naturally i started making my very own keto trifle but like i haven't really made it so i use those 10 calorie jellies for the trifle and then on the bottom i'll use um like for the cake i'll use the dgf blondies and then um the jam that we got from last month's box the crayfit box and then some whipped cream on top it is amazing it's literally that as well i know someone that used to do that but she used to use the skinny food custard syrup for the layer of custard and it's actually quite nice i don't like their products don't rate them at all but apparently their custard syrup is really nice and i know that dre's keto she has their um custard syrup as well so if you add a layer of the custard serum this is the problem that like 90 of those skinny syrups are just really bad

like i've had a lot of pancakes and everything from there when i wasn't like properly keto and it was just the pancakes were okay but i'd rather just have i made the the waffle like a waffle mix just like a pancake mix you know with the ground almonds and egg and what have you and i made like a waffle and done um put that maple syrup you know what we got in last month's crave kit as well and that was really nice one evening you know when you just want something different and but that's i think it's just i just like something sweet on an evening time so that may is i don't know it's just like i think it was when you're a kid isn't it and before you go to bed you had your little glass of milk and a chocolate biscuit or something that's when we were problems started seeing i mean to be honest like for me like i'll probably have like a hot chocolate or um i've really like apples and nectarines so i might have like half an hour with peanut butter um because i've learned that like i just should never eat sugar like by itself or like any fruit i should always have it with like peanut butter or almond butter or something else because um like i feel much better when you are combining those foods like there's a lot of problems with food combining but the one thing that is good is pairing any form of carbs with fat yeah um hot chocolate lauren i haven't i got it and i haven't even tried it yet i can't believe it how mad is that yeah yeah did you get the same one and they just haven't tried one yeah i will do it it hasn't been cold enough forever at the minute it is one of the it is one of the better ones it is definitely one of the better ones don't get me wrong i like how i tell chocolate but the wittards is just oh i used to i was i was having it every single night i was getting worried all i could think about was coming home just having hot chocolate i went looking for it

like what hot chocolate are you using it's lots of milk yeah but do you know what i have noticed as well since um doing keto is my shopping bill my shopping bill is nowhere near as high as it used to be

you know it's great like i would have been buying muller-like yogurts until they come out in my ears you'd open the fridge and all you'd see is more like yogurts and and just that in itself you know the amount i just spent 30 pounds just on fresh fruit alone a week so like even cutting that out and new york it's it's massive it's a massive thing um i know i was talking to lauren cobb cutters earlier and she says the most expensive thing about um keto is having to buy a new wardrobe and that is so true i have nothing oh i love that i literally have nothing from cyclopean shorts you did buy some stuff to try and fit into something just yeah i think i've got yeah it's it's weird because like a lot of lauren's things that she wears i'm like i've got something similar to that but um so like i done my measurements today girls and guess what i've got them here wrote down so i've lost this is since the first of february um five inches off morgan mindy eight and a half inches from my waist it from a hit four and a half from my thighs two and a half from my calves and three from my arms the first time ever you know how i mean i can remember my grandma saying it that a lady should always be like here and then it should go in 10 inches and out 10 inches that is something that stuck in my head my grandma was such a lady and i can always remember her saying it and for the first time ever in my life i'm really there i'm like and half an inch from top to bottom out and an inch from my hips out so like first time ever it is weird and i know it's not it's not a numbers thing at all it's just something that you know i have never been the size that i've been apart from when i was passing it up and i just feel so much better and like i've said so much confident and and i love myself so much more oh that's the main thing yeah totally but yes i did i i bought things to slim into as lauren was saying and then totally missed it like it went past yeah so i ended up giving them away so all with tags on i'm like no i can't believe this so i know let's just have to go out there and buy more clothes heartbreaking exactly exactly yeah so when are you going to go shopping have you decided like are you starting now or not obviously i couldn't go shopping during lockdown and i started doing online shopping and which i never used to do either because i used to say i could never fit into them and so i'm quite confident to do a bit of online shopping as well um and i just like whenever i'm doing anything if we go into a shop i'll just you know like pick it up and i'll be like that's never going to fit me i'm never going to get into that and then coming home i'm like literally bouncing off the bed i'm like oh maybe there's something there to you know so every i just you know like i think for me tops is okay because you can wear t-shirts or sweatshirts or shirts baggy-ish it's just bottoms you know like your jeans and um you know how crazy is it like leggings leggings are supposed to fit all sizes but then i put my leggings on one day and i was like oh my god this looks like i've been bumming them you know they just look they looked terrible and pajamas you know i absolutely love pajamas and it's it's crazy you think your pajamas will fit you all the time and then you're walking around and you're just pulling them up and pulling them up all the time so i even have to go and buy new pajamas it's a very expensive thing you know

yeah asos has had a lot of revenue out of me as you guys most likely know i haven't gone into passes every day but it's a good thing isn't it going trying something new on yeah it is it is and it's like buying things that you never would have worn before like i got into my first pair of shorts like a few weeks ago and i've never worn shorts since i was like nine i've just never worn them and it's just such a self of a like self accomplishment it's like oh my god i'm in a pair of shorts yeah it's um so like with running the the um my running leggings i first got them so pleased and i don't know why but i bought them with the drawstring and i'm so pleased that i did because i'm still wearing like bigger running leggings but i'm not you know like i'm just tying them tighter um but it is it's weird and for me to go you know like i was in a size 18 to 20 and i still when i go shopping i still go to that size first and i don't know what it is is it habit you know or is it so you can pick it up and go no they're going to be too big to yourself it's a funny thing i can't work it out in my head what it is is it because i know that they're going to be too big but i'm still going to pick them up and look at them and go no they're too big or is it just habit yeah i don't know i think maybe where you've lost the weight so quickly and your body has gone ahead of where your mind is like when it comes to clothes so maybe your mind just hasn't caught up yet to how far your body's gone yeah and i think because i've never never been this size um is because you know like i just can't i'm picking things up that my you know size wise that my daughter-in-law was and i thought no no this isn't right it's not right you know and i just can't i will at the minute i can't accept it you know until i get them on and then i'm like ah yeah

it's on me you get to borrow her wardrobe but you know you know what she has an amazing style so i wish i could wear her clothes amazing style i'm sure like even going down a couple of sizes gives you so many more options for like what you can wear as well or what you think you can wear you know like it just gives you that kind of boost confidence but also like inclusivity it is so true you know and where i would have always gone maybes upper size anyhow just to call for the bulges and the you know the not nice lumps and bumps um that would have been seen if it was tighter now i'm looking and i'm like i could actually wear that the right size now um and and feel you know nice nice in it where usually i would have always especially chops wise i would have gone up that size and just so it wasn't clinging to me um and i would never have thought of going running on the road never have done it you know i would have picked quieter times at the gym and things i had no option i wanted to do it i said i was going to do it i downloaded the um the app and i think for me the first thing for was saying it on you know on my stories i've just done my first couch to 5k and i'm gonna complete this and that was me committing again to myself um and then i kept thinking if i don't do it will anybody notice you know and then i remember getting up one morning and somebody's saying are you going running this morning i'm like [ __ ] they know i'm running you know i'm gonna have to be awake so i'll have to post a picture to prove that i've done it but now i just automatically do it and i do you know what i do my best thinking it as well then i'm well my hobby thinks i do my best thinking whenever i'm asleep but i'm coming in and i'm like do you know if we break that wall up and he was like and where's the sink gonna go i'm like oh yeah okay so no but like you know for clearing my mind of you know like especially the last couple of weeks where i found work very hard i've you know i found it a great way to clear my mind running and i just like zone out and i'll have my music on on my podcast now as i'm running too and how weird will it be running and listen to myself but um yeah you know like you just zone out and you you just get into this mind and it's like it is it's so clear in and it's when i started running that i started to understand about food as well you know i'd be thinking well if i have you know if i eat fat but that's bad for me and then i was like but no it's not it's good for me and if i eat this fat i'm going to be fuller longer and it was just like all them things and that's where everything started to to drop into into place um and yet i think i do think exercise is a good a really good feel good factor um and it is a great stress relief it's good for the mental health as well totally yeah yeah i wish i could be more sportier but yeah i just you know i enjoy running and that's all i need to you know i enjoy it i look forward to putting my trainers on getting out in the fresh air and even you know to know to say that i'm going running and know that it may rain where that would have been an excuse you know it's going to rain so i'm not going to go out and now i just like well if i get wet i get wet it minds that isn't it like it's not just physically you've changed like it really sounds like you're like your mental mindset has changed and i think it's it's because like you've kind of kind of set out to do something and you actually achieve it like you see the results and i think that just empowers you to because that doesn't just affect you like weight wise and weight loss wise like i think it really leaks into every part of your life because you think i can do anything if i can do this yeah i mean if somebody said to me on the 1st of february when i started it you will be running in september and you'll be running 5k three times a week i'd hit them with a busted slipper

no way am i gonna do that definitely not um but you know like now it's just like yep definitely i i just can't believe it i just actually think myself sometimes is this really gayle you've proved yourself from exactly yeah yeah yeah i just need to um open the little keto coffee shop i think and then that my life will be cool oh my god that's that's definitely where it's at isn't it we all just need to make this keto coffee shop happen hopefully yep lauren can deliver bonds we can get her a little bite

there is lots to talk about and you tend to go down a tangent don't you as well sometimes and just go down a different lane and you're like it's got nothing to do with keto i think that's what's good about it though is like we literally just record these fit everyone listening like we literally just record these like we're on zoom we're literally just having a chat like and that's what it is like we don't script anything it's just like a catch up yeah it's true like you said you you don't realize that you're um you're filming it or you know like you're recording it people love it it's not scripted or anything like some podcasts you listen to you know that they're reading from a script you know each person has a part to play and this person is going to speak that time but here it's just conversation and people do love to hear it that's why we made ash's part two an hour long because people just wanted more and they loved you know we were getting comments saying about how we all just like bounce off of each other because it is more like a friendly chat it's not like an interview a lot of podcasts are just more like interview based like you know yeah millionaires like 20 questions but no one wants that you need a bit of chat there's an agenda there's literally no agenda or hidden agenda or you know there's no making money or sponsors or anything like that it's just that's it's as if we're in a chat

amazing yeah so oh gosh i'd say it's so exciting it is really good and well done girls for doing it it's uh and thank you for inviting me on oh my god i can't i feel like a celeb

i feel like i'm talking about
