Keto, Fitness and Everything In between

Dessert, Keto Sushi, Our Coffee Kit & Favourite Vegan Keto Products

Gia and friends Episode 14

Hello and welcome to episode 14 of Keto, Fitness and Everything In-between!

This episode:

Anna and Gia talk about how they do dessert on keto, their favourite keto coffee products and how to order at chains as well as their favourite vegan keto product and some of the reasons Gia went plant-based in the first place!

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As followers of the keto diet, as well as women in business, we have a unique take on our lives so far.

Welcome to Keto, Fitness and Everything In Between, a weekly podcast hosted by a combo of, twenty-something-year-old best friends and digital creators, Gia, Lauren, Anna and Shannon. Each week they welcome listeners into their daily life for a special helping of the tea you’re not getting from their wildly popular Instagrams. From fun lighthearted conversations about diet and fitness to sharing their tips to help to feel more confident in business– each week you’ll be left wanting more of them! New episodes every Monday!

We have some special guests joining us in the next few weeks and some amazing business-related episodes with Gia and Anna being released every fortnight!

Our links:

Gia - Keto blogger , @makeshiftmermaid on insta

Anna - Owner of
slothmove, @thehealthyeng on insta

Shannon - Keto influencer
@_shannonslife, down 120lbs on keto

Lauren - Keto bread queen

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Disclaimer: The opinions in this podcast are from true experiences and so do not constitute defamation or slander. People should be able to make informed decisions around what they put money into. Do what you do at your own risk. Talk to a medical professional about any supplements or medication and do your own research. 

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How to eat keto at starbucks
How to eat keto at pret a manger
How to eat keto at costa 
How to eat keto at cafe nero
How to keto sushi
Electrolytes to take on keto

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you can make um like sushi rice from the konjac rice and uh the like cauliflower rice if you like cook it all down mix with a bit of cream cheese i would use the dairy-free one um this classic like seasonings of the the vinegar and the salt and um literally just a little bit of light erythritol if it's just a little bit um bitter and then let's just mix it chill it you can roll it into sushi i'm gonna actually it's just one it's like one thing i've not explored yet but i think there's no um i don't think there's any end on you know possibilities of easy um easy and let me see if there's anything else oh it was still an alcohol but like stay away from wine wine is so high carb some of the white wines are just they're so higher than even for like a small glass you have like four of those and then one you're probably going to be drunk because keto low uh alcohol tolerance massively

horrendous just awful isn't it like drunk after like two glasses like my alcohol at the time was really high so i used to go out quite a bit especially like one of my my best friends and then i've literally been on keto for one week like i started on the monday and this is on friday or the saturday go out

like i genuinely didn't i felt nothing like the previous weeks and it got to just before we were going out and it was at the time when i was you know still you know just just post students so i was still transitioning from student life to adult life so still wanting like a cheat night out where you pre-drink so much that you barely need to buy drinks out and um i was just swinging vodka from the bottle like absolutely no issue i've never been able to do that um and we walk out i remember getting to the first place and i remember nothing after that um i'm told that i've managed to get like a ring of dances around me like with their mops and their brushes like shimmying around in a circle i'm in the middle of it like egging everyone on i was like i wish i was there because it sounds brilliant but anyway we went somewhere else and then i do remember being there and i just remember sitting outside and i threw up in a plum pot and that was it i was i was taken home but it just felt like nothing before and that's the thing if you for instance like you've been on keto for months then you have a day where you're going out and you're still kind of like doing low carbs but you want to have alcohol you have prepared that your tolerance is going to be like this much of what it used to be you'll be fine geez

imagine though imagine oh yeah it ended up talking to a plant part that is yeah and i remember waking up and um i was just giving a five guys but they brought it to me and let it rough as well which is really cute so is that that's very sweet i guess there's we're spoken about like the best

i tell you about one of the worst experiences that i've had eaten out especially on keto right so we got a groupon a couple of years ago to a place in checkout called surf and turf and it's really really highly reviewed and we were like oh this is amazing so we've got a really nice three-course meal the starter came and it was delicious when i ordered the main i said hey instead of the chips could i just have like extra salad and they were like no it just comes as it comes genuinely completely got denied like removing my chip so i had to actually buy and i bought in the end like i'm just a side dish i just bought buttered cabbage but they would not substitute chips for anything and i was like but it's just a dietary requirement like i just you know is there any way no no no no you have to and i was just like imagine all of you were allergic to like potatoes yeah sorry but i have them on the plate you can scoop them off

you're gonna need it i'll inject it for you but i was just outrageous genuinely outrageous i think that wouldn't happen now well i hope not nah nah surely not surely not theory and if he's okay then i'll just eat it and do a runner i mean yeah like i've had a couple of times where things so i've like asked for it without the chips or without the potatoes and it still come with them or it's still come in the bun or whatever um and i think like it can take quite a lot of self-control to actually take that off your plate once it's served to you and um that can be quite hard yeah i completely agree like last night we had um we had a delivery and we had um shawarma and i put in the order notes like can one of them come without the chips an extra salad of course it didn't but thankfully it was in like a separate container they were really soggy and anyway so it was like don't use stuffy chips anyway so left like a really crappy review um but yeah i think i think one of the shame like the things which is a shame i've done it a lot lately like notice it a lot and i don't know if it's just delivery because this is the first time i've lived in a delivery hotspot and it is heaven and like everything delivers to me like i've never had nando's delivered to my house and here we are um but yeah i feel like the restaurants don't read the notes or they read them and think ah solid i'm bothered or i've done it now you eat it obviously you know it comes to the end of the meal and everyone's saying oh i want dessert i want dessert um for me obviously like no dairy strawberries or berries or that kind of like that is kind of my option obviously but if you're a regular keto then obviously you could have like cheese or something or you can have the berries you can have cream you can have that kind of thing but has there been anything that you've had out that was really surprising to be like low-carb um i'm not really a deserted person when it comes to eating out so i'm probably really not very quick to answer this oh what so you would just be like oh no i don't like i'm okay don't want dessert yeah and i think as well like the like the group of friends that i have like they're all very aware of like how i eat in the way i eat and a lot of those as well like fitness or into fitness and you know looking after themselves so a lot of the time like we we skipped dessert um but i mean like in the past if i've been like low on like um calorie diets as opposed to low carb and like i don't plan to go and eat a dessert but i do like i allow myself to have it because like you say it comes down to if you fancy at the time like i can go for it unless like you know you really are being strict for a particular reason like every time you have a dessert or and you're trying to you know i think it's okay i think it's completely okay but yeah yeah obviously like you know if you want that desert have that dessert but if there are options available that you would rather have yeah like cheese like a cheeseball is one of my favorite things anyway like in um there was a pub that i used to go to where i lived in derby and they used to have like a cheese board as a starter um or a dessert so you could actually have two cheese boards within one meal which to be honest now sounds an absolute dream um but yeah i would especially at christmas time like cheese boards always always always but so talking of cheese that my mum actually has plowman's when she goes for like a pub lunch um but obviously it doesn't have the bread and basically that's like rather than pickles isn't it yeah green so that is another easy kind of solution for lunches i am like highly highly intolerant to cheese which doesn't really suit my knees i'll eat cheese anyway i eat a lot of cheese yeah we have talked about this in a previous um previous episode and it was highly lactose intolerant it's just red across the board

have you tried like the non-dairy ones um i've had some of the vegan cheese and i didn't like i didn't raise i think i need to give it a proper go because i had the um applewood smoked one and i wasn't in love with that i'm not in love with that yeah the follow your heart one from um you can get onocardo really good the smoked um yeah um yeah those slices are really good i think as well one of the misconceptions so like slightly changing gear but still within vegan like one of the things is like all vegan food is um and vegetarian food is high carb and i think a lot of the early stuff that came out like the sauces and you know like the pork everything pretty much apart from the like the mints and chicken pieces were like covered in breadcrumbs and everything everything covered in breadcrumbs white vegetarian get the breadcrumbs sausage you get the regular i mean it was yeah and also the vegetarian let's pump it full of potatoes 100 but i think i mean vegetarianism like was it not even that it was always big but like more more people like it's developed hasn't it and especially now vegans come along like there's so many companies out there that are doing um that have been able to develop recipes over time so actually some of the things like there's some things like we have um as this is not very good for like meat-free stuff it's probably one of the worst um but sainsburys are really good but some of the tempeh is it 10 is that how you say yeah yeah tempeh pieces are brilliant like the chicken like there's i'm gonna have to find it and i'll we'll post it to a story or something but there's like some roast chicken pieces and they taste better than actual roast chicken pieces like i've only ever seen them in sainsbury's which brand does it is it the fry's food i can't remember i um but also like the the shawarma the meat-free shawarma is insane but it's not a high carb at all and so low calorie like it's such a good option yeah especially if you are looking for more higher protein lower fat because you know people do do this diet a lot differently naked glory oh naked glory okay so make the glory do a whole range of like let's try that different like chicken like flavors but the rose chicken one is insane really good um yeah what was i saying sorry yeah it's um it's a really good option now for it's done differently isn't it yeah yeah so whereas people would want to be doing that really high fat sometimes like you don't want to do that and also having a high fat diet if you're already predisposed to gallstones is not a good idea no no definitely not like i've noticed that i've definitely been a lot lower fat it's like when i first did keto it's a very similar story to ash like burger without the book like i remember most nights because i was always on the go it would literally be mcdonald's a two-double cheeseburgers without the buns boom sword and i would have i remember breakfast like okay i'll walk you through like a day my first my first like try like go at keto i have like three eggs scrambled with little cream in it and cheese and i have like two pieces of bacon and then like a sausage or two that would be breakfast and i'll actually take away to work for me to have after the gym in the morning lunch would be like chicken fajita loaded with cheese and then dinner would be like i say like cheeseburgers or something and i lost 10 kilograms in four weeks it was mental but i was also so so so active like it it worked

that is just not it doesn't appeal to me like i can eat like that now yeah and i find that that for me like me always slowed me down um and made me feel quite sluggish and so did dairy actually but and obviously it flared up my um my like skin condition so when i kind of cut all those out it was amazing like i felt so much better because i wasn't having that inflammation all the time that's insane does it just go to show like the way that we eat like if you're feeling unwell just the way that we eat can actually solve so many things like it's not going to solve everything but most things like day-to-day things such as fixes obviously when you're like a higher weight bracket you know you do find that you have um you know you have issues like with hormones so having um having less meat in your diet is obviously gonna lower any like color background hormones that you would get from that meat depending on obviously where you're having it raised and what kind of quality is but for instance if you're going to audi or if you're going for the basic meat like it is going to have other properties in it that might not be good for your body antibiotics and all that good stuff especially if we have like american food standards by the end of 2021 that's what brexit gets but you know i've completely forgotten all about brexit until we started watching gogglebox like a couple of days ago and put onto a netflix it's literally just all around like it started around the time of breakfast i think i think there's so many new options and i think there's so many ways to eat out and still kind of stay on track something that we didn't talk about was coffee orders and how they've adjusted i'm really bad because i still have like a guy to go to new and have a coconut latte which is like still quite high in carbs so like me personally i i'm not like megalo carbs so she's a fraud everyone get that um like how much i should like most of the time i do weight training so like i can get away with having 50-ish grams of carb like between 15-100 grams of carbs a day like i never a lot of the time i'm 20 to 30 grams because that's just naturally high but yeah i can have like coffees and things like i'm sat here drinking oatmeal in my tea um but yeah so i order um an oat no coconut milk latte with sugar free hazelnut that is my go-to coffee order in nero but i also absolutely love their um ice brew any cold brew with double cream or pouring cream and a syrup it's got to have a skinny syrup in it i think i don't think i can do i actually take little you know the travel shampoo the travel conditioner i'll take those but they've got a skinny syrup in them ah jack just takes the whole freaking bottle he's no shame genuinely in his bag you'll just put the oil just like that's like 50 time

in the morning he used to work in costa or somewhere so it adds up to him yeah of course um coffee order what's your go for at home i'd say well at home obviously i have a bit more freedom i make um like normally like a latte with almond milk um or the califia farms oat barista one because that is really good it's in the dark blue packet um and obviously i put that in my little frother which i got from audi which is a dupe for the nespresso one very cheap dupe and and also has a two-year guarantee which i really like because i happen to break things a lot

but yeah so i'll do like a latte with that a little bit skinny syrup i do like the caramel creme brulee one that is a goatee um and i know you're all about that caramel peanut peanut caramel pecan yeah i do i can't get any anywhere and just stressing out it's not aspire off the website it's like double the price expensive it's four four i think it's four pound in tk max and it's yeah it's eight pound when shipping like we bought it in lockdown so absolutely desperate we bought it from gym stop which i think they did it for six pound or six bottles um but i i pushed the boat out this time and i ordered i got two new syrups um one of which has just been poured down the drain because it was a vile and this one right i already knew i knew i was gonna hate it was it the cinnamon no it wasn't a skinny syrup it was it wasn't so it was from um what is it the skinny food co oh i mean should have been a red flag right there what it was and i've seen them posting food hub and i'm like okay this could be a little bit different and i think it was kells um she had the i want to say she had the caramel version of it and she tried it and said it was really good i tried the biscuit like i bought it after like before i'd already seen her pose but the biscuit was like oh is this going to be like a lotus like this has got potato um and it ruined my whole coffee ah devastated it was it just tasted like we all know

um and jack actually just opened it and had a whip at the bottom it was like you know like it was it's got such a stench but when i actually looked at the um ingredients like it wasn't that bad like i didn't have um multi is it month at all i always put yeah i didn't know how i was like i was expecting it to have that and i was like okay it's not i'll give it a whirl horrendous um so yeah just a void at all costs but it's not planned no i'd like to say i didn't was but you know when desperate times called desperate measures and i was like it's a massive it tastes like lotus and when i was off keto there was a place in sheffield that did a biscoffy yeah a biscoffee it was basically like scotch bread melted in espresso and then topped up with with milk and it was honestly the best drink i've ever had was like if this syrup tastes like that bingo um but yeah it was a it was a bitter letdown

otherwise i'll just have um like an americano do you know i really struggle to drink black coffee like i can i can't do it in the morning because it it like burns my stomach a bit and then i feel really sick but um like later in the day it's fine like or if you have it with food it's fine um because often like if you go to like a diner then you'll just have black coffee with some sweetener but um no i like i can obviously i can have a bit of almond milk or i can have a bit of soy milk but the ones that i use in costa are the higher carb ones and if you're not pouring it yourself then you know if you're being quite strict it's quite hard yeah yeah and i think that's the same in starbucks or anywhere where they're doing the pouring cream um if you're trying to track your calories so it's really hard if you don't see them pouring it in i think breeded a post about this where she posted like side by side different starbucks and she was like this one's got 500 and because i didn't pour it in myself and this one's got like 130 and i'm like well there you go yeah yeah i get what i've never even thought about that because like costa used to whenever i used to ask for pouring cream they always just put it in like a little pot next to you right but yeah i guess you don't really you don't know how much you do what and i guess that's the risk isn't it like if you really want to play it safe take your own make your own or ask for it on the side and then you can pour it in obviously and i think one of the safest ones like um if you can't drink like um just black coffee is something like a cortado which basically has such little milk in that it just can't possibly affect your progress so like one of the smaller smaller drinks with milk i think we're so used to having like the largest of everything um so now when i go out i don't have a large coffee i might have like a large iced coffee because a lot of it is ice um and if you have like a cold brew then you know that's concentrate you kind of need to balance out with the ice but i'll often have a small hot coffee instead of like a massive one i always have like usually if i go to costa i know a lot of people don't like costume costa is actually the thing that got me into coffee so coffee will always have a place in my heart um it's always my back up to nero like crosstalk usually have like a medium but nero like nero's large is like a costa meeting oh yeah absolutely go big boys yeah as starbucks i'll never have like a massive coffee anymore so here's the controversial thing i really i really really to the point where i used to have a free starbucks every week through my performance i couldn't do it like when i first tried out on it it was okay and then the blonde rose came and it was you know it kind of got better but it got to the point where like week after week and this is the light from the anja like we'd get our lattes and we'd start drinking it and it's like this just tastes horrible i don't know if it's the syrup or like their syrup definitely tastes more comfortable there yeah and it actually differs between countries as well because the american ones are really good but i don't know if there's a banned ingredient in those ones that might not look like there's obviously banned in the uk but isn't bad in the us and that's why the the taste is different but they still have to provide it yeah that's a really good point but the one thing that i will do before i completely completely you know shun starbucks is try the cold brew just for you because just for me the nitro cold brew is so good i'm gonna try it every i've i've just not really been near a starbucks like it's either i don't see them or i've actually just not been close to it locked out the bad memories and just never seen them that's it they're gone no more um i think it's really hard to eat out in coffee shops though so like we all for sure yeah especially when we um like we were without wi-fi for like two three weeks so a lot of the time we were like like nero is probably one of the few places where there's literally nothing to eat other than soup like the only thing that you can have there really is is tomato soup or i can't remember what the other stuff is so just kind of skip it but i think yeah pass pass on eating coffee shops they do sometimes do like really nice dark chocolate though like um nero have this incredible dark chocolate with hazelnut is delicious and they also do a milk chocolate one with something in i remember what's in it it's almost like a milk and actually the carbs are not that bad at all they will share a bar between us and it's like eight it's like nine grams of carbs each which i'm doing okay yeah no i mean this is the thing like um they're also based around high sugar and high starch or bread or wraps or and unless you get a salad from the coffee shop which you know few and far between yeah i think the best place like if you want coffee if you want an actual coffee shop in place um and somewhere to eat it's got to be prep prep salad here like we used to do um we used to be volunteers for olio which is like the food waste app we used to go and collect all of the like leftover sandwiches and salads and then list them and people come but we obviously got like a load of salads out of them ourselves and their salmon protein box and chef's chicken salads were just out of this world good no i love that um he used to go there all the time like their coffee is decent as well it's not that expensive um so we would just get that the thing to watch out for though in the cockpit is they do do coconut milk but it's coconut milk stacey found that out yeah that's really high not good no good something like we've just been talking about the sugar-free sweetness um and i think it might be a really good like point to touch on about sweetness in general um and how like there's obviously things to watch out for um when you're starting and maybe things that you might be reluctant to try but are actually fine and they won't that they don't affect us but you know so do do what you do what you want to do but um maybe just some like a few product recommendations but if you're like for sugar like sugar-free replacements if you're starting yeah yeah um i've seen skinny syrups for coffee syrup i think that's like really the only thing that i've ever ever really bought um as a sugar replaced because i never had sugar day to day the other thing and again it is another skinny syrup is the um my protein flavour drops yeah packed delicious huge pump it's like you literally need one drop and that's it for flavor i don't think they're very good in coffee like i think no no i've had them in yogurt so i put them in my zero carb soy yogurt yeah and i think if you're going to like if you're going to go down the route of protein shakes and stuff like they are just banging because i've never really enjoyed protein shakes i like i don't bother with them anyway like me personally a bit of a waste of time but when i used to have them like some toffee flavored rocks with my protein just made it really really tolerable and i think like with those flavor drops as well they do as i say like they pack quite a lot of punch and you can use them in so many different things um and they're almost like an essence but it just hasn't got the sugar in it which is really great because obviously when you're using essences from the store they're normally glucose syrup-based so if you're using a lot then you're kind of done but um no no i would agree with that definitely and but on the protein shake side like sometimes there are going to be days where you don't get enough protein in especially if you're plant-based so protein traits can be really good but don't use them as replacements yeah yeah i completely agree on that because i think that that's literally what they are they are for they are a supplement so if you are struggling to get in the nutrients that you need on your main diet like that's when you call on those and that's like almost like personally i think that's like an almost a last resort because plant-based it obviously is a lot more difficult yeah it absolutely can be done but there are some days where i just don't want you know

meat and eggs it's so much easier to get that that in and i would really recommend like trying to change up your diet and just have a look and see where you can have some extra protein even just like a couple of boiled eggs can go a long way um before going down the road of protein shakes and that's pure and i think just purely me like i feel like they're i always want to say like a waste of money but that's just like how i've seen them because i've never really had that much benefit but i genuinely understand that there is benefit and use of them yeah completely and i think a lot of people are kind of scared of soy as well whereas they shouldn't be because it's it's a really good source of a full protein the nicest protein shake i ever had was a vegan one actually from bulk powder powders yeah that one's really good is the nicest tasting like most tolerable one because i don't like milkshakes um and it's like a slimfast sent me the keto shakes to try and they're they taste nice they remind me of them like protein powder so i struggled to drink them but um yeah i forgot what i was going to say there to be honest what am i training for the the both powders was good in general the bulk powders taste really really nice yeah um i guess other things when you're starting electrolytes and i know that's not like sugar replacement no but it's kind of like a almost a starter pack um even if you're not starting but have been on keto but haven't like heard of these things like these are just some staples i think that all of you agree on i mean definitely um i've bought like the bottles of the electrolyte plus from is it my vitamins or my protein they're the same thing just and there's a load of discount codes that you can get from other influencers um i'm sure um and as well like um there's this really lovely girl that i've met on instagram called mary and she's not keto but she um she saw me talking around like my vitamins and some of the things that i've been taking she jumped on and had some like i think she took vitamin k and a couple of other things she literally just sent me a message this morning saying like thank you so much for the recommendation like that it's just completely um changed and just helped her out basically like something that she was struggling with like it's just completely changed it's completely made it better for her so i was just like and she was just saying like every day more energy more everything and i was like it's just so lovely oh that's so great to hear things like that so um i was very like multivitamins because i've heard all the you know people saying that it's just excellent wow and especially if you get like the cheap ones that are full of fillers but actually i think a good multivitamin especially from like my vitamin and my protein like can really go a long way just to making sure you're topped up yeah and especially um i said even if you're not starting out but you haven't been tracking like your micronutrients you might be low in something that you didn't realize and the the units of like what you need aren't specific to every person like you might need double the vitamins of like a specific one than someone else does and like some of the other things that i like i've not been as consistent like i bought a load of vitamins actually like sit and read what they're all for but the one other one that i've um i've tried and it's been working really well for me is the is it digesting max yeah so definitely they can go a long way for making everyday life a lot nicer let's say and some days where i don't have coffee for instance then i might take like an l-theanine or i might take um one of the you know it's like the pre-workout ones but it's just caffeine and l-theanine and a couple of other things like i might just take that instead because there's some days where you just you know you don't really want a coffee you don't really want that just don't need i mean it's a door day when you don't want coffee but it happens it it happens just like do you know what it's actually really strange it happens depending on what day of my cycle i'm in yeah it's it's like because if i wake up and i'm nauseous then the last thing i want to do is like down a cup of coffee
