Keto, Fitness and Everything In between

Steak and Butter Gal on Vegan to Carnivore, Butter Taste Tests and NYC

Gia and friends Episode 17

Hello and welcome to episode 17 of Keto, Fitness and Everything In-between!

This episode:

Gia and Shannon are joined by Steak and Butter Gal, Bella where they talk all about vegan to carnivore, what benefits the diet has had as well as the importance of good quality food.

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Also mentioned:

- how  butter tastes different brand to brand
-eating liver raw
-fave carnivore meals
-Youtube diet reviews

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There is nothing on the market like us! We all follow a ketogenic diet as well as know the ins and outs of the industry. Chat with us on social! Hope to see you there!

As followers of the keto diet, as well as women in business, we have a unique take on our lives so far.

Welcome to Keto, Fitness and Everything In Between, a weekly podcast hosted by a combo of, twenty-something-year-old best friends and digital creators, Gia, Lauren, Anna and Shannon. Each week they welcome listeners into their daily life for a special helping of the tea you’re not getting from their wildly popular Instagrams. From fun lighthearted conversations about diet and fitness to sharing their tips to help to feel more confident in business– each week you’ll be left wanting more of them! New episodes every Monday!

We have some special guests joining us in the next few weeks and some amazing business-related episodes with Gia and Anna being released every fortnight!

Our links:

Gia - Keto blogger , @makeshiftmermaid on insta

Anna - Owner of
slothmove, @thehealthyeng on insta

Shannon - Keto influencer
@_shannonslife, down 120lbs on keto

Lauren - Keto bread queen

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Disclaimer: The opinions in this podcast are from true experiences and so do not constitute defamation or slander. People should be able to make informed decisions around what they put money into. Do what you do at your own risk. Talk to a medical professional about any supplements or medication and do your own research. 

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Carnivore on keto
Vegan to carnivore 

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hey so today we're here with steak and butter girl who is living in new york city and does a carnival diet and really excited to talk to her she's got lots of insight that i'm sure us uk people might not have so let's get into it thank you for having me i'm so excited to be here it's great to have you and uh as i said really excited to chat tonight and so i mean like let's just jump into your kind of change from maybe a more standard diet into carnival um i mean how did it kind of come about yeah so growing up i was raised on a standard american diet as well as a standard chinese diet just a cuisine very much focused on white rice because that's a huge part of chinese cuisine and on the side i would have vegetable dishes meat dishes very meat centered as well lots of eggs and i decided to go vegan because senior year of high school i started being very obsessed and i guess desperate about being thin and losing more weight i was really wanting to look better on stage because i am a musician and i perform all of the time and it was just this whole pressure of staying fit and so i youtubed and googled just how to lose weight quick you know and the first thing that showed up was really the banana girl and at that time she was a sensation she was very very popular and the things that she was advocating uh were really catching on quick and a bunch of girls were really just praising her following her she promoted this raw till 4 way of eating where you eat fruits salads just raw plant foods until 4 pm and when 4pm hits you start eating cooked starches like rice potatoes sweet potatoes so that's kind of the routine that i followed and i did see immediate weight loss so you know immediately i felt like this diet works for me i'm finally losing weight and i stuck with it for six years now during those vegan years i i felt good you know but i do feel like uh these different diets just sometimes don't work for everyone you really have to give it a try and you really have to do your research for me it just didn't work with my lifestyle just because i'm a musician i it requires a lot of brain energy and mental focus i'm sitting at the piano hours on end per day and it just i just felt like it didn't support my lifestyle so by the end of year six um i decided to start eating meat again and i again started to obsessively research and uh prepare for just eating meat because you know i'm just extreme like that but i also heard amazing success stories and podcasts you know joe rogan with all these big carnivores so i wanted to give the carnivore diet a try and that's how i started and now 22 months later i'm still carnivore um and keto very much keto carnivore but completely animal meat based wow that's amazing so so your switch from vegans to carnival was it sort of you say you researched it was it something that you kind of gradually did or was it something that you just thought i'm just gonna i'm just gonna switch and i'm just gonna do this yeah it was a very immediate overnight switch um i'm just not really somebody who does gradual or moderation or transitions it's just like i do it or i just don't do it at all so i was very committed to just strict 100 in carnivore just to see what would happen um and i pushed through the adaptation phase and i must say it really changed my life wow that's amazing so when you when you made the switch like how how did you feel like having that like do you remember like the first meal you had when you oh yes yes i remember the dreams i had before eating my first meal and that was eggs i was dreaming about having eggs and i think it's because i ate a lot of my mom's egg dishes um so i would dream about eggs so that was the first thing that i cooked and put in my mouth so it was just scrambled eggs with some butter i think it was kerrygold butter with vital farms eggs and the first bite i just knew it was it was so right didn't go back yeah i think freely um that kind of like wrought or fall also i know you said about like the brain energy but also the amount of like fruit that you've actually had to consume like i remember because um coming from like more like disordered eating you would look up all of these different diets and obviously try them all but when you've got this amount of fruit that you're just having to like choke down that much sugar as well yes yeah yeah she also started this raw fruitarian way of eating and i actually gave it a try there was uh like a month a period of time where i was eating 40 bananas a day and yeah it's crazy and surprisingly a lot of you know the people in the carnival community they reach out to me and tell me hey i was just like you i also was persuaded by freelee and i also ate 40 bananas a day so it just goes to show just how influential somebody like her can be anyone on youtube so it it's dangerous but also it's very inspiring because i feel like i could share my story and hopefully inspire young ladies like me to just you know stay open-minded definitely absolutely so what would you say is like the main benefit like switching to carnival like i mean what how comes you prefer it over being beating the six years like is there like a main thing that's kind of come to you and you think like yeah this this really is for me like what was kind of like yeah so when i was vegan i at first again i was feeling really good and so this is why i really respect everybody's dietary choices um i'm just sharing my story from vegan to carnivore and i do believe that the benefits that i have received eating carnivore uh really outweigh those from the vegan diet so firstly i battle with eczema and psoriasis the psoriasis used to really flare up around my temples and my eczema would always ever since i can remember they would just concentrate around both arms here and when i was vegan it just never really got better the inflammation was constant and i remember nights where scratching until i bleed and when in the morning i'm waking up and there's just blood on the sheets so during the day it would be stinging like crazy so i think people with autoimmune issues need to be careful about the food that they're eating because inflammatory foods really will not help your eczema if you do battle with it something else is my face my acne had a lot of acne when i was vegan and i was eating a whole foods plant-based vegan diet so maybe it was just my body it didn't agree with all those plants fruits carbs um but upon switching to the carnivore diet i don't have any breakouts anymore i still am healing from the acne scars from the vegan diet but it just goes to show that meat animal fats can be very very beneficial to the skin definitely i think that's something that we ask us here on the podcast we always try and say is that i think when you switch to a keto diet all of a sudden you're allowed to have these fats that we've always been told about for you and it's kind of readjusting your brain to realizing that actually fats can be really good and healthy for you your insides and your skin like my my skin is done so it's just common such amazing my skin has just i mean i really struggled with like oily skin acne all of that and i had a little bit of eczema it wasn't really bad but all of that cleared up like within month by month every month that went by that i was doing keto for my skin just cleared up crazily that's amazing so i'm so curious like when you eat keto meals what do you like to center your meals around yeah so it kind of like varies for me so i've never really done carnival but i'm really interested to try it so most of my meals are kind of like the typical keto meal where it's like i will have a steak i treat myself to a steak i don't have steak that often but i mainly have things like fish like salmon and then some greens so like either like a salad or like green beans and with like a little bit of butter on top but i'm not so so fat focused and i kind of just keep my carbs low keep it simple

but i kind of like in the morning say i have like the classic bacon and eggs or i'll cook myself like a chive thing like an overnight chai pudding and salad for lunch and then i always just have some sort of like meat and or fish with like green beans broccoli just kind of like eat your meals really yeah i feel like yeah i'm kind of completely the opposite to you guys because um obviously i don't eat meat or dairy and that kind of works for my um like so i i get like skin um conditions as well so i get like blocked follicles and that kind of thing where uh hormonal imbalances really affected me uh so dairy definitely um i don't know if it's the casein in it or if it's something else or just like the kind of hormones that really didn't agree with my body um and like i'll always advocate just for keto like edu um so obviously a lot of my kind of dishes are more whole foods like fibrous and veggies and tofu and nuts and seeds but um obviously like animal-based like fats do work so it's kind of figuring out what works best for your body and to see you know how that affects you yeah absolutely and i just love how you you guys on your podcast are so open-minded and openly best discuss such different diets and embrace each other's diets i think that is a wonderful approach to different diets so kudos to you guys well thank you i think we always try and have the mindset of like absolutely everybody's different aren't they i mean everyone's along with different diets i mean like personally i tried to get my mom to do keto but she wouldn't be able to do it because of like her certain medical conditions like i feel like if you're doing keto and you're not enjoying it then it's just not right for you is it it's not the right thing to be doing for you and we always try and take that approach where i think you you do you in all aspects yep exactly and if somebody's just not ready or committed or their lifestyle just doesn't work well with like the keto diet or the vegan diet or the carnivore diet then there's just no point in pushing it upon other people so i it's it's true that everybody is different including their lifestyle in their career 100 and i think one of the biggest things with keto is just trying to become maybe less food focused as well because when you're lowering the sugar in the carbs like you won't kind of feel that constant hunger that maybe you did before so obviously i can go like long stretches of just working and working and not have to think about it whereas you know maybe another diet like i'd have to keep kind of topping up almost right that's something that i noticed when i was vegan eating so much carbs and the glucose i would have spiked some energy and i would feel on top of the world but then just an hour or so later i would have a crush and i would just feel like doing nothing productivity is at zero whereas compared to keto carnivore my i have noticed that my energy and my mood has been very stable and constant throughout the day and it's been really helpful in my studies in my work in my productivity overall so it there really is a difference in energy and uh mood when you eat more fat so i'm really interested sorry i'm going to go slightly off topic so you see your position so what do you do like like oh yeah so i play piano right there actually play piano and violin and i've been uh studying it basically my whole life since i was seven years old and i decided to pursue it right before i gradu right before i finished high school so i've been classically trained from the mana school of music here in new york city and i just graduated from the juilliard school with a master's degree so it's just a very uh you know classic classical music centered type of studies around piano and violin that's amazing like here in the uk that's like what you see in the uvs you hear juilliard and you're like oh my god it's juilliard it's a great school yeah yeah but you know in london the royal academy of music and the royal college of music are absolutely phenomenal schools i really wanted to go this year to study at royal academy um but hopefully in the future well have you ever have you ever been to the uk or been to london yes i uh when i auditioned for both royals um i was able to go there in person and play for the teachers and i was able to stay for a couple days and i fell in love with london just the class and the charm the history when you just stand within that city it is absolutely so inspiring i love that place i feel like because i just kind of like lived here i literally said this yeah that's why you were gone

i don't see i mean like london is special it's the capital but like yeah i don't know i kind of just where i've like been brought up like with that lifestyle i'm just kind of like i don't see it as that interesting it's that bad like at all i mean you you you were immersed in it for your whole life so i guess you know something new is always more inspirational i bet when you come to new york city you would be like wow you know it's amazing i just can't wait like i can't wait to experience the food out there as well because everything just seems so different to here in the uk like just like simple thing i feel like keto would be keto and carnival just kind of seems easier in america and that's why we're so behind here absolutely it is a lot easier there's just so many more options and places to grocery shop but also restaurants but also for vegan it was a vegan paradise here in new york city um they have so many options so yes whole foods and trader joe's all these grocery stores have everything oh my god i have to ask you because this is like i see it everywhere have you ever had the true is it the trader joe's and it's like a everything but this oh everything for the bagel seasoning oh my god yeah i know that's huge especially on social media yeah everything but bagel it's just like i don't know if it's actually that special i've i haven't personally tried it but i know that the blend in that spice is like really amazing for just anything and everything um but honestly trader joe's is legendary they have the best prices with the best quality in foods and everything so i i do think trader joe's is one of the best things about america that's what we're missing out on over here like our supermarket it's just like

anything interesting like that at all yeah and everything that is shipped from america is like reese's or nerds or um like captain crunch like it's all just like wearing sugar yeah yeah now i am very impressed that you've managed to fit uh a full-size piano in an apartment in midtown but uh yes it's a baby grand so it is yeah it's a baby grand but still it's very hard to find tiny apartments in new york city with grand piano so i do feel very lucky to have one

that's amazing thank you try sorry did you say something shannon yeah i was gonna say so like what would you say is like what's kind of like your typical food diary day like being carnival like how how do you find that with like do you eat like three meals a day or like what kind of like sort of go through in a day yeah so when i first started carnivore i kind of was healing from a lot of things firstly from amenorrhea i didn't have a period and also from a slight eating disorder just because you know i was so obsessed with losing weight that i kind of built some bad eating habits you know restricting and just not staying nourished so i promised myself when i first started the carnivore diet that i would just eat whenever i was hungry and i would just eat until i was truly satiated and that really required a lot of calories i think i was eating at least four to five thousand calories a day but also i'm a tall gal i'm like 5 10. so eating that much food was of course scary and gaining weight was scary but i can tell you that i'm so glad i did that because it really helped me heal my hormones and my metabolism and i got my period back within a month and i was just feeling so much better um the weight gain was just temporary so the first six months i wasn't doing any intermittent fasting i was just eating whenever hungry so that could have ranged from three to four to five meals a day with snacks i was just eating all the time and i think that was important especially for someone like me um and then fast forward six months i started to feel so so satiated because i was just gorging on all the fats and the steaks and the ground beefs so it just helped me carry through the day without feeling too hungry longer and longer and longer and it helped me start organically doing two meals a day and i see a lot of carnivores actually do the same they start out eating whenever hungry and then they naturally become so satiated that they just organically do too mad to omad one meal a day so that's kind of where i am at i eat so much in one sitting easily too i'm not forcing myself really and it just ties me over the next day same time i'll sit down again and eat pretty much the same thing so i'm doing a one meal a day type of style and each meal i'll be eating eggs butter and beef that's pretty much what i've been eating wow you kind of feel like your body is like in a really good routine and it knows like yeah you kind of feel do you kind of feel like i'm trying to find the right word sorry my word with me today on this podcast but like do you feel um like you're not lacking anything do you feel like you're you're like your energy levels like would you say that they've improved yeah the energy the mental clarity just the overall positivity and happiness that i feel every single day it just never fails me the moment i wake up i feel happy and ambitious and lucky and just grateful and i do believe that it's because of the nutrient dense foods that i feed myself the beef is just so packed with nutrients and i really make sure i supplement enough fats so it's just pure brain food skin food energy everything is just tip top shape and on top of that i really make sure i eat my organs for those last remaining minerals and electrolytes vitamins that may be missing in the beef so i make sure i'm on top of all of my nutrients just everything so i do feel like where i'm at in life and the energy and everything it's really the best i've ever felt so i'm really happy with with what i'm eating that's amazing sorry i was just gonna say because you kind of like answered um partially my next question which was whether you had to supplement with your diet or if it was literally just you kind of just have to think about what eating organ meats and that kind of thing like on and off you know yeah so i i really do advocate eating organs uh on the carnivore diet especially if you're trying to stick with it long term i do believe that just eating beef and eggs steaks is good it's better than most diets like any standard american diet if you just cut out the carbs you're already doing like a huge favor for your health and your body but if you really want to feel your absolute best and just thrive on this carnivorous way of eating i think organs go a long way for long-term success so my favorite organ and i show this a lot on my youtube channel like what i eat in a day and why i eat what i eat i love eating liver now people will at first be like grossed out i understand that it's disgusting you know but really the the nutrition in liver and the minerals the vitamins everything in liver just unbeatable it's nature's superfood for a reason every time i eat it the next day my skin is glowing it is even and bright and my energy is just even better so i'm like addicted to eating this way and i do think the liver goes a long way in making me feel that much better so the um like the liver and the organs would that be something that you'd eat like every day or like do you cook them right no i personally eat it raw now there is always risk in eating any animal foods raw organs fish but i take the risk just because whenever i eat liver raw i see much more benefits in my skin i don't know maybe it's because the nutrients are still alive because when you do cook it some of that does get killed however i think a light sear for liver is an excellent option i just don't think cooking it thoroughly will do be the same now the amount i eat i try to aim one ounce which is like the size of my palm about one ounce every other day okay that's sure that's really interesting because like i i've just never come across that before like maybe i've just not been clued up enough from carnival so would you that's something that like most people on a carnival diet do or is that just something that you discovered along the way um so the whole organ thing i always try to incorporate some organs ever since i started carnivore just of course i was just not used to the organs in the beginning so it was very very small amounts but i must say that i was most influenced to add organs from a youtuber called frank tufano and i do have to shout him out every time i talk about me being carnivore just because he was one of my biggest inspirations to start but he really advocates organs but for good reason because i really do think there's some nutrients that you just can't get in meat and animal fats yeah but the liver is something that i see more and more carnivores incorporate however there are also those carnivores who believe that just steaks whatever you can afford as long as it's just meat uh you'll be fine and i respect their opinion as well i just feel so good with liver yeah that's it like you've got to do what feels good for you and i can see like obviously our listeners can't see but you look glowing like oh thank you radiate that like you're on the other side of the world and you're already radiating that through a zoom course so like yeah

but you can see it even in your like feed as well that you know your skin is just so clear and you know you just you do look so incredibly healthy so obviously like it works for you and it obviously must work for other people so that's it do you ever get any sort of like i mean especially here in the uk if someone says that they're carnivore or keto you kind of get that look and they go hmm like for me personally i'll say like oh i've you know i've lost like in america so it's in pounds i've like i've lost 125 pounds and they'll be like oh my god wow how did you do that and i'll say oh i just died and they'll go oh i get it let's get over there yeah um you know sometimes but i've been recently quite surprised by some of the reactions i've gotten whenever i say that i'm carnivorquito i always start out by saying do you know about the keto diet and most times they do and actually i've been receiving a lot of curiosity more than uh criticism or skepticism so i think more people are becoming very curious and um like excited to at least learn about the keto diet so it's actually less negative reactions i've noticed nowadays but maybe it's because um like the people that i'm talking to are already exposed to this way of eating but in america actually it's quite popular it's very quite popular especially if you're uh involved on social media like instagram all these instagram gurus do love promoting the keto diet low carb diet it's pretty mainstream here already yeah i mean yeah like it wouldn't so many thousands of people have got along with it so well and like evident like it kind of frustrates me when it gets shunned down like it does shut down a lot here and like as we are just kind of naturally behind um it makes me because like people like yourselves and you know me gia and everyone we've just reached the health benefits and people just don't understand it because they're not open enough to like listening to the actual benefits they can that it can bring because they just think oh it's too hard i can't cut out bread or i can't cut out um yeah you call it fries don't you i was going to say chips yeah the cola fries french fries and they just go oh it's just too hard i can't do it yeah and that's most people's reaction but that's probably because they're not desperate enough or they don't really want to make a change in their life yet but i do believe when people are curious enough and willing enough to change their life it it will happen they will be committed um so uh i was gonna say something about oh yeah did you know that the keto diet was actually started for seizures kids with seizures and epilepsy so actually the keto diet is something more medical it wasn't something that celebrities did just to shed pounds and look thin it's actually something that's really proven to be beneficial to the brain and mental function so there really is great life-changing benefits to eating this way just cutting out carbs definitely yeah what we've talked about that in regards to um kind of like the moderate protein aspect because you can definitely go more than moderate on a keto diet like you don't have to just do like a small amount of protein and obviously we were talking about how that you know reflects in the people with epilepsy they can't handle a lot of protein because it rain it can raise glucose in excessive amounts um but obviously like regular people you can kind of eat like especially you know you would know that you could eat as much meat as you kind of want yeah i do believe that carnivore diet is kind of more you know protein fat whatever you choose in ratio just whatever works for you as long as you're keeping it zero carb it's also known as the zero carb diet but there are some foods that are carnivore that may contain mineral amounts of carbs but those really don't do much damage because it is still animal foods and there's something really healing and digestible about animal foods yeah that's it and the carbs that you the tiny tiny tiny amounts that you consume they're so that it's not even worth like worrying over either exactly yes for example raw cheese uh raw dairy raw milk kefir raw or not there's gonna be carbs in dairy products and there may even be minimal carbs and eggs but honestly those minimal amounts of carbs don't do any damage whatsoever definitely that's when they're combined with the amount of protein and the amount of fat that you know when it's all kind of like together in a tiny tiny amount of carbs it's going to be completely different than you having like a bit of sugar or something else you know exactly yep naturally occurring as well it's not as if you're like a loaf of sourdough bread or something right it's so small right so do you i know you said that you stick to kind of like beef but do you kind of stray with shellfish or any kind of fish as well yeah the seafood that i absolutely adore is salmon and i usually eat salmon raw just because it tastes so good so every now and then i'd say like twice a month i will eat some raw fatty salmon salmon belly is absolutely amazing but whatever salmon i can get i try to make sure it's wild caught and fresh i'll eat it raw as part of my meal besides beef i also sometimes eat pork pork belly is one of my favorites and a lot of eggs so it's usually beef eggs some pork some salmon oh see i've i've i've just never even thought to try salmon bro like is that like sorry to dig but is that like safe to eat fish raw like you just get sushi grade yes yeah but um sashimi grade is basically it's been previously frozen or like flash frozen or something i forgot the guidelines to be able to label a fish sashimi grade but honestly sometimes i would just run to whole foods and i would just get their wild caught salmon that's on display and i would just eat it raw and if you're really afraid of the risks or whatever that may be in that raw fish you can flash freeze it yourself just chuck it in your freezer for about 20-30 minutes let it thaw and just eat it and i haven't had any issues so far however i must emphasize there is always risk in eating raw animal foods however it's just so good you know i think is it it's like a small parasite or something that's the that's the risk but i think you can always yeah anyway like when you google it you're like yeah it's like a little thing about this big like i think you'd see it right whenever i show all my stories me eating raw liver or raw anything i will always get messages saying you gotta you gotta like notify everyone that there is risk and i'm i i know that there is risk and i know that there are like stories and news of people getting really really sick so it i think the most important thing if you want to eat anything bra is to make sure the quality is top-notch and that it's wild caught fish and for beef you know beef liver that it's grass-fed grass finished yeah we're just telling everyone not to hop on to audi and uh

that sounds really interesting like i've just never even thought to eat things raw before like it's never even crossed my mind yeah it's definitely a great way of enjoying meats chilled very refreshing also my boyfriend loves eating beef raw i think they call it beef um there's like a late there's a name for raw beef um what is it called well it's just like thinly sliced sliced beef seasoned with some olive oil salt and pepper and that's like a dish right there so there are people who absolutely love raw fish raw beef there's actually a whole community of people who eat raw carnivore so it's a thing wow just like 100 raw carnivore yes raw carnivore just oysters raw um raw seafood salmon raw beef raw eggs you know raw butter it's just all raw yeah i couldn't i can do that i mean i'm definitely going to try some raw things like you have like inspired me to just give it a go and try it but i do i can imagine just eating just entirely raw yeah i can't really i need that comfort from the warmth of cooked foods so does your friend eat carnival with you so my boyfriend is kind of keto carnivore i'm really helping him hoping to veer him more in the direction of carnivore but i'm honestly just happy already that he's cutting out a lot of the carbs he's cutting out refined sugars i think he already feels a difference in his energy and also his skin so i'm already very happy and proud of him for being more conscious about processed foods about sugars and not eating as much of it because he's come a long way he really ate just a standard junk-filled american diet so it's it's really amazing to see how uh how much he's improved in his diet choices yeah we've mentioned i feel like we always say this in pretty much nearly every podcast but it's just incredible how keto can really help your mindset when it comes to diet absolutely when you make that switch to keto you just realize how much sugar and refined sugars especially is in absolutely everything exactly the food it's just yeah it's just everywhere isn't it yeah yeah i think just the biggest step that anyone can do is to at least not eat the processed junk the refined sugars the plant seeds oils the super processed plant oils are very detrimental so just cutting those things out and not even incorporating anything new is already going to affect how you feel and how you look

definitely it's even like looking at things even if it's marketed as keto it's always checking the label because i feel like even with those kind of things sometimes they've still got a ton of soybean oil or um canola or yeah you know just really inflammatory kind of ingredients even if it is meant to be marketed as like a diet food right yeah always check the ingredients in fact try to make your own snacks or meals you know home cooked is always best yeah definitely i feel like when you when you cook things yourself and you know what's gone in it you kind of have that and that sense of like yeah i really know where my health and nutrition is at because you're not relying on somebody else to kind of fill your body for you right exactly yeah and i can tell that you guys loved love cooking and incorporating very healthy home-cooked meals so that's amazing definitely i mean like i've um i've actually been vegan in the past before as well so it was really very brief and yeah it was only very brief but it's interesting like going back to the beginning you saying that it never really helps with like your skin and your accent because a lot of people make that switch to vegan and they find it helps doesn't it and they they help us in because it did actually help mine so i just found that really interesting how you made that switch to keto from well keto carnival from vegan and it just sucks your skin i just find that really interesting incredible yeah so uh i think for a lot of people the initial great results and benefits of the vegan diet may be because of the omittance you know the the taking out of a lot of the processed junk and the foods that no longer fit in the vegan diet i think for me that's why i suddenly saw you know weight loss and i felt better in energy but i think for long term you really have to be very very well informed about the nutrients and the supplements that you must incorporate as a vegan because sometimes it can be hard to make sure you get everything in with a plant-based diet however it i have seen many people who have made it work so there's absolutely nothing wrong with the vegan diet it's just that it does require a lot of research and preparation yeah would you say that's huge yeah like i'm like being vegan keto essentially being said how how do you find it like i've never really had like a really discussion with you about it i mean so obviously like when i first went to university i was um i was kind of just doing like the regular vegan diet so i was having saw a lot of potatoes a lot of starch i mean oreo's vegan like he's not gonna take that up um and so i was finding that i was kind of veering back into bad habits just because one the availability of uh vegan substitutes was getting better but it also means that it was getting unhealthier um and also that there was so much misinformation online especially from people like freelee uh philly raw christina and those people that aren't having the proper supplements for it like you cannot do a vegan diet and not have supplements you know like b12 is so important um so you have to take it but moving away from the sugar and the starch like i still got the benefits um of a keto diet because i i mean i've still moved more away from um one millidale one meal a day uh full of fiber um fibrous vegetables like you know a massive salad because that doesn't work with my body because i don't think that you should be eating that amount of food in one sitting because obviously you know vegan food is lower calorie so you kind of have to make that up um to a higher level with more fat rather than just filling with loads and loads of fiber because eventually your body's like no thank you yeah that's so eye opening to hear from eugenia as a vegan keto vegan i wish i did more supplements when i was vegan because the only thing that i supplemented with was nutritional yeast for the b12 i definitely knew that that was very important to supplement and i kind of like poured a lot of the nutritional yeast but i feel like some other things i should have supplemented more however i felt like just a whole foods plant-based diet was enough so you know i do think being like well-informed and doing your research is so important before you dive into such a diet like the vegan diet um yeah so thank you for sharing that

um and obviously like the other thing with you know taking away the dairy as well that sometimes it doesn't kind of work with uh people in general so they might actually be lactose intolerant and they don't realize and i think that's kind of like a massive issue in itself with a lot of the population that you can have intolerances to food and only by cutting them out properly will you realize what those are yeah yeah exactly i feel um sorry i'm gonna like stir slightly on topic

so i was literally like just before we hopped on the podcast i was like looking at instagram and i was like wow she's like she just looks like so fun and just really out there and i love that and so you say that you've like tasted a load of butters and you can like taste the difference like i've like i personally i wouldn't be able to taste it like that much difference in butter like yeah like when you say you've tasted loads of differences in butter like do you literally like eat butter out of the block like yeah that's something that i'm kind of known for well i am the steak and butter gal but i do eat sticks of butter as if it was just a snack you know and that's that maybe that's just because my body loves the fat so much and i can tolerate digesting this much fat now i've worked my tolerance up definitely but i also truly love the taste of butter on its own what i love to do is i like to freeze it take it out of the freezer and just eat it i like that it's more hard rather than just melty but with the taste of butter i really can taste the differences between different brands different farms also between unpasteurized versus pasteurized there is a huge difference and maybe because my taste buds are just so sensitive now because i only eat so much foods um but uh i prefer butters that are more grassy and creamy in flavor um there are some butters that just taste like nothing to me and some butters that have a sour aftertaste so i love taste testing different brands and i love shouting these brands out but i do think the best butter there is to eat is the raw butter from your local farms oh my goodness i just i can imagine just eating butter like just on its own i know yeah it's it's quite different but a lot of people have reached out saying my god i tried your butter trick and it's amazing maybe it's just about here in our uk supermarkets is just like rubbish like as you say maybe you just need to get it local yeah yeah you should just move over here to the united states i just need to take the trip first i just need to get myself out there and just experience i mean i wish that we had the standard of like farmers markets that you guys have over there i feel like it would just kind of make us actually think about the produce that we're buying as well you can support your local farms and it's just very sustainable this way but you guys come visit me in new york city i'm happy to meet with you guys oh my god i would love to do that bella like he said that i'm gonna rearrange my trip to new york next year so i will definitely like and yeah that would be so interesting i'd love to see you in manhattan and that would be crazy hi me too like an episode of gossip girl but you know all obsessed but um hopefully if covid um kind of lets us travel hopefully i'll be going in may so it'll be great awesome let me know yeah let's let's hope let's hope i know but we normally go in thanksgiving because the parade and it's just you know it's a bit of a different experience then obviously we get over here because we we have such a long gap in between halloween and then christmas but it's like you gotta bridge that gap somewhere yeah what's that um what's it like out there at the moment bella like with with kovis like how are you guys are you healing out there like is it getting any better yeah you know i came back to new york city about a month ago and upon coming back i noticed that everything is pretty normal everything's running normally the biggest change i think is all these restaurants are having outdoor patios outdoors feeding which is actually really cute because everyone's you know enjoying the outdoors the you know people watching and you can just walk by and see what everyone's eating it's just very homey and social so i would say that's the biggest difference is that every restaurant has outdoor seating now but you know the local companies are opening up and the people in the city are just you know living life normally but with masks yeah that's good it's like it's just the whole world's hard to adapt hasn't it like we we go with it don't we but yeah i'm glad that like things are getting better for you out there because i know that it was quite bad in new york like especially like at the beginning it was terrible yeah that's why i left because it just was that scary and that dangerous did you just kind of stay in new york state or did you have to travel yeah uh once my school announced that it is all virtual i just decided like there's no point in me staying in the city i want to go home so i first went with my boyfriend to his mother's home in seattle and that was extremely nice um the place over there you know lots of parks and nature so at least we were able to go outdoors during that critical time and then after about a month in seattle i went home to my family in los angeles that's where i was raised

yeah it's kind of kind of like it's a mess over here like i must say like just just letting it out there like i do kind of feel like we haven't dealt with it well over here at all like we just we take one step forward and it's literally 10 steps back it's horrendous i feel like it's literally never going to end over here wow yeah i i have heard about you know the situation in london i don't hear that many great things so i'm sorry that you guys have to go through that yeah like it like we'll we'll get there eventually like no doubt like the whole world well but i just feel like but i just feel like in the uk like i just i want to i want to live in america

we want to live in the us after november 3rd when we find out that's it we'll see

about all right i'm something that i just want to ask you about bella was about um moving obviously from vegan to carnival like were you did you or did you have an online presence when you were vegan because obviously the the vegan cancer culture can be uh a bit uh oh i know yeah i i have felt the hate and the um scrutiny firsthand actually it's funny that you bring that up last night um i don't know if you've heard of goji man but he's he's a vegan a big vegan on the youtube platform and he reviewed one of my what i eat in a day videos on his channel last night and one of my followers sent me the link and said hey goju man just reviewed you and i opened it up and honestly he was very respectful very humorous lighthearted but man the comment section was brutal so i think you know this like the whole is picking sides vegan versus carnivores i just find it so um unnecessary it's pointless yeah exactly so i respect everybody's uh diet decisions life decisions you are your own person and i will not support or condone any hate on my channel on my platforms um so having to even open up his video and read those comments were not great so he was very nice to you know not condone the hate he like posted some comment but the vegan hate is real and i just wish these vegans can be more open-minded i must say the carnival community is much more loving welcoming and open-minded i don't know if it's the food but it's it's a thing yeah it's such a shame that like it has to go it has to go that way yeah but at the same time like i feel like although he was really respectful that kind of like put posting on a vegan channel it kind of like it's inevitable you're gonna get those comments aren't you so i just don't take any note of those comments i mean you seem very headstrong anyway and you seem like very assured in what you do and why you do your diet so just don't take any notice of it thank you yeah i i really try to follow that advice but it's true yeah i i can get how it can be hard sometimes kind of like you have to block out that noise don't you and just like absolutely like you're doing this for you nobody else like you don't owe anything to anybody um and obviously like these youtubers i know that um obviously who does reviews i know abby sharp does similar kind of reviews as well yes right and obviously they are making adsense off of those videos so it is kind of they want it to be controversial as much as i hate to kind of put that out there but you know yeah yeah that is their genre it is it's not even like personal at this point it is literally for entertainment yeah for adsense revenue right there's this there's this click bait culture on youtube and i think youtube is doing something about it by not tolerating tolerating um you know click bait and controversial issues but i think these uh people who thrive on their channels off of reviewing and bashing other channels um just won't go far in their youtube career but i also understand that these youtubers have to make a living so you know everyone will do their own thing and post their own content my content that i thrive to post i hope that i come off as genuine and helpful and just transparent i will never be bashing anybody else's diet or diet choices so he can do his thing and i'm honored to be on his channel that's such a lovely way to like that's just such a lovely way to put it and you definitely do come across as just so honest and just so like true to yourself like um on your youtube and your instagram you just you get that like radiant positivity which is like what we all need in the world really thank you yeah you're welcome i'm glad

but i think um obviously like as well like going back to kind of like abby chart with the sort of mindful eating but she's got a set kind of mind in uh what her sort of perfect diet is you've got yours i've got mine's got hairs like and even though we might not all be doing like the same kind of diet doesn't mean that any of us are like wrong it's just that we're doing what's best for our bodies rather than going off what the government guidelines are absolutely yes i love that it's true

i mean if we were listening to the government we'd all be eating you know white bread and

lots of starchy vegetables bars

just eat what makes you feel good yeah yeah exactly and i think i would never recommend um cutting out carbs as heavily if you know you are from a very very kind of like dark disordered eating place because i think if you try and take all of those kind of out i feel like sometimes it can just trigger you just to keep going back and it's just another form of like orthorexia at that point which i did experience when i first started the diet by just cutting things out more and more

safely and slowly yeah that's an excellent point um the eating history the eating disorders that you may be dealing with are a huge factor in whether or not a diet will work for you so i'm i'm just absolutely very adama admiring just that you are aware of this ladies especially suffer from this having to be super restrictive and then binging and purging it's just so important to have a healthy mindset around food so whatever diet can help you achieve that i feel like is worth trying definitely that's so true so true and i think there's kind of like with that topic there's a misconception that by cut by us for instance cutting out the carbs we are being orthorexic but it's it's not as simple as that it's more that the the carbs have no value in our lives and in our diet so we don't include them but for instance like we'll include other things so it's not we're not restricting to restrict we're restricting because it's better for our body and for our mindset absolutely yeah yeah yeah it's very lovely to speak to someone so like-minded it was so nice to have you on thank you so much shannon and gia such a fun time speaking with you guys you guys are so awesome well like i've gotta ask what time is it there like what time is it in the states it's 4 p.m here in new york city how about you guys it's nine at night so wow such an early night type of person so i'll probably be having my hot chocolate in bed soon nice love it yeah lovely to have you on better really really insightful person thank you thank you so much i'm so excited to share this with uh you know my followers on instagram and youtube hopefully you guys will gain more traction i just love your message and what you advocate oh thank you and we it really means a lot yeah it really does mean a lot to us especially as a new podcast and and we're growing and we're learning and people love it and i know that they'll love you and they'll love this episode and it's been really great to record it with you thank you thank you thank you guys um if you wanted to just like if you want to send any links that you want me to include in the uh description as well yeah i'll send it to you no problem perfect your instagram and your youtube and anything you want us to say in there and in the description as well awesome yeah i'm just known as steak and butter gal across instagram and youtube i have my music instagram opus bella and uh yeah that's it facebook steak and butter gal opus fella
